Source code for

"""Objects representing API generators to MediaWiki site."""
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2008-2024
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations

import heapq
import itertools
from contextlib import suppress
from itertools import zip_longest
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

import pywikibot
from pywikibot.backports import Callable, Generator, Iterable, batched
from import api
from pywikibot.exceptions import (
from import need_right
from import NamespaceArgType
from import (
from import filter_unique

    from data.api import ParamInfo, Request

    from import _RequestWrapperT
    from import NamespacesDict, SingleNamespaceType
    from import TokenWallet
    from import MediaWikiVersion

[docs] class GeneratorsMixin: """API generators mixin to MediaWiki site.""" if TYPE_CHECKING: _generator: Callable[..., _RequestWrapperT] _paraminfo: ParamInfo _request: Callable[..., Request] assert_valid_iter_params: Callable[..., None] encoding: Callable[[], str] get_property_names: Callable[..., list[str]] has_right: Callable[[str], bool] maxlimit: int mw_version: MediaWikiVersion namespaces: NamespacesDict protection_types: Callable[[], set[str]] sametitle: Callable[[str, str], bool] tokens: TokenWallet user: Callable[[], str | None]
[docs] def load_pages_from_pageids( self, pageids: str | Iterable[int | str], ) -> Generator[pywikibot.Page, None, None]: """ Return a page generator from pageids. Pages are iterated in the same order than in the underlying pageids. Pageids are filtered and only one page is returned in case of duplicate pageids. :param pageids: an iterable that returns pageids (str or int), or a comma- or pipe-separated string of pageids (e.g. '945097,1483753, 956608' or '945097|483753|956608') """ if not pageids: return if isinstance(pageids, str): pageids = pageids.replace('|', ',') pageids = pageids.split(',') pageids = [p.strip() for p in pageids] # Validate pageids. gen = (str(int(p)) for p in pageids if int(p) > 0) for batch in batched(filter_unique(gen), self.maxlimit): # Store the order of the input data. priority_dict = dict(zip(batch, range(len(batch)))) prio_queue = [] next_prio = 0 params = {'pageids': batch} rvgen = api.PropertyGenerator('info', site=self, parameters=params) for pagedata in rvgen: title = pagedata['title'] pageid = str(pagedata['pageid']) page = pywikibot.Page(pywikibot.Link(title, source=self)) api.update_page(page, pagedata) priority, page = heapq.heappushpop(prio_queue, (priority_dict[pageid], page)) # Smallest priority matches expected one; yield early. if priority == next_prio: yield page next_prio += 1 else: # Push onto the heap. heapq.heappush(prio_queue, (priority, page)) # Extract data in the same order of the input data. while prio_queue: priority, page = heapq.heappop(prio_queue) yield page
[docs] def preloadpages( self, pagelist: Iterable[pywikibot.Page], *, groupsize: int | None = None, templates: bool = False, langlinks: bool = False, pageprops: bool = False, categories: bool = False, content: bool = True, quiet: bool = True, ) -> Generator[pywikibot.Page, None, None]: """Return a generator to a list of preloaded pages. Pages are iterated in the same order than in the underlying pagelist. In case of duplicates in a groupsize batch, return the first entry. .. versionchanged:: 7.6 *content* parameter was added. .. versionchanged:: 7.7 *categories* parameter was added. .. versionchanged:: 8.1 *groupsize* is maxlimit by default. *quiet* parameter was added. No longer show the "Retrieving pages from site" message by default. :param pagelist: an iterable that returns Page objects :param groupsize: how many Pages to query at a time. If None (default), :attr:`maxlimit <>` is used. :param templates: preload pages (typically templates) transcluded in the provided pages :param langlinks: preload all language links from the provided pages to other languages :param pageprops: preload various properties defined in page content :param categories: preload page categories :param content: preload page content :param quiet: If True (default), do not show the "Retrieving pages" message """ props = 'revisions|info|categoryinfo' if templates: props += '|templates' if langlinks: props += '|langlinks' if pageprops: props += '|pageprops' if categories: props += '|categories' groupsize_ = min(groupsize or self.maxlimit, self.maxlimit) for batch in batched(pagelist, groupsize_): # Do not use p.pageid property as it will force page loading. pageids = [str(p._pageid) for p in batch if hasattr(p, '_pageid') and p._pageid > 0] cache = {} # In case of duplicates, return the first entry. for priority, page in enumerate(batch): try: cache.setdefault(page.title(with_section=False), (priority, page)) except InvalidTitleError: pywikibot.exception() prio_queue = [] next_prio = 0 rvgen = api.PropertyGenerator(props, site=self) rvgen.set_maximum_items(-1) # suppress use of "rvlimit" parameter if len(pageids) == len(batch) \ and len(set(pageids)) <= self.maxlimit: # only use pageids if all pages have them rvgen.request['pageids'] = set(pageids) else: rvgen.request['titles'] = list(cache.keys()) rvgen.request['rvprop'] = self._rvprops(content=content) if not quiet:'Retrieving {len(cache)} pages from {self}.') for pagedata in rvgen: pywikibot.debug(f'Preloading {pagedata}') try: if pagedata['title'] not in cache: # API always returns a "normalized" title which is # usually the same as the canonical form returned by # page.title(), but sometimes not (e.g., # gender-specific localizations of "User" namespace). # This checks to see if there is a normalized title in # the response that corresponds to the canonical form # used in the query. for key in cache: if self.sametitle(key, pagedata['title']): cache[pagedata['title']] = cache[key] break else: pywikibot.warning( 'preloadpages: Query returned unexpected ' "title '{}'".format(pagedata['title'])) continue except KeyError: pywikibot.debug(f"No 'title' in {pagedata}") pywikibot.debug(f'pageids={pageids}') pywikibot.debug(f'titles={list(cache.keys())}') continue priority, page = cache[pagedata['title']] api.update_page(page, pagedata, rvgen.props) priority, page = heapq.heappushpop(prio_queue, (priority, page)) # Smallest priority matches expected one; yield. if priority == next_prio: yield page next_prio += 1 else: # Push back onto the heap. heapq.heappush(prio_queue, (priority, page)) # Empty the heap. while prio_queue: priority, page = heapq.heappop(prio_queue) yield page
[docs] def page_embeddedin( self, page: pywikibot.Page, *, filter_redirects=None, namespaces: NamespaceArgType = None, total: int | None = None, content: bool = False, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Iterate all pages that embedded the given page as a template. .. seealso:: :api:`Embeddedin` :param page: The Page to get inclusions for. :param filter_redirects: If True, only return redirects that embed the given page. If False, only return non-redirect links. If None, return both (no filtering). :param namespaces: If present, only return links from the namespaces in this list. :param content: if True, load the current content of each iterated page (default False) :raises KeyError: a namespace identifier was not resolved :raises TypeError: a namespace identifier has an inappropriate type such as NoneType or bool """ eiargs: dict[str, Any] = { 'geititle': page.title(with_section=False).encode(self.encoding()), } if filter_redirects is not None: eiargs['geifilterredir'] = ('redirects' if filter_redirects else 'nonredirects') return self._generator(api.PageGenerator, type_arg='embeddedin', namespaces=namespaces, total=total, g_content=content, **eiargs)
[docs] def page_redirects( self, page: pywikibot.Page, *, filter_fragments: bool | None = None, namespaces: NamespaceArgType = None, total: int | None = None, content: bool = False ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Iterale all redirects to the given page. .. seealso:: :api:`Redirects` .. versionadded:: 7.0 :param page: The Page to get redirects for. :param filter_fragments: If True, only return redirects with fragments. If False, only return redirects without fragments. If None, return both (no filtering). :param namespaces: Only return redirects from the namespaces :param total: maximum number of redirects to retrieve in total :param content: load the current content of each redirect """ rdargs: dict[str, Any] = { 'titles': page.title(with_section=False).encode(self.encoding()), } if filter_fragments is not None: rdargs['grdshow'] = ('' if filter_fragments else '!') + 'fragment' return self._generator(api.PageGenerator, type_arg='redirects', namespaces=namespaces, total=total, g_content=content, **rdargs)
[docs] def pagereferences( self, page, *, follow_redirects: bool = False, filter_redirects: bool | None = None, with_template_inclusion: bool = True, only_template_inclusion: bool = False, namespaces: NamespaceArgType = None, total: int | None = None, content: bool = False, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """ Convenience method combining pagebacklinks and page_embeddedin. :param namespaces: If present, only return links from the namespaces in this list. :raises KeyError: a namespace identifier was not resolved :raises TypeError: a namespace identifier has an inappropriate type such as NoneType or bool """ if only_template_inclusion: return self.page_embeddedin(page, filter_redirects=filter_redirects, namespaces=namespaces, total=total, content=content) if not with_template_inclusion: return self.pagebacklinks(page, follow_redirects=follow_redirects, filter_redirects=filter_redirects, namespaces=namespaces, total=total, content=content) return itertools.islice( itertools.chain( self.pagebacklinks( page, follow_redirects=follow_redirects, filter_redirects=filter_redirects, namespaces=namespaces, content=content), self.page_embeddedin( page, filter_redirects=filter_redirects, namespaces=namespaces, content=content) ), total)
# Sortkey doesn't work with generator
[docs] def pagecategories( self, page: pywikibot.Page, *, total: int | None = None, content: bool = False, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Iterate categories to which page belongs. .. seealso:: :api:`Categories` :param content: if True, load the current content of each iterated page (default False); note that this means the contents of the category description page, not the pages contained in the category """ clargs: dict[str, Any] = {} if hasattr(page, '_pageid'): clargs['pageids'] = str(page._pageid) else: clargs['titles'] = page.title( with_section=False).encode(self.encoding()) return self._generator(api.PageGenerator, type_arg='categories', total=total, g_content=content, **clargs)
[docs] def pageimages( self, page: pywikibot.Page, *, total: int | None = None, content: bool = False ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Iterate images used (not just linked) on the page. .. seealso:: :api:`Images` :param content: if True, load the current content of each iterated page (default False); note that this means the content of the image description page, not the image itself """ imtitle = page.title(with_section=False).encode(self.encoding()) return self._generator(api.PageGenerator, type_arg='images', titles=imtitle, total=total, g_content=content)
[docs] def pagetemplates( self, page: pywikibot.Page, *, content: bool = False, namespaces: NamespaceArgType = None, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Iterate pages transcluded (not just linked) on the page. .. note: You should not use this method directly; use :meth:`pywikibot.Page.itertemplates` instead. .. seealso:: - :api:`Templates` - :meth:`page.BasePage.itertemplates` :param content: if True, load the current content of each iterated page (default False) :param namespaces: Only iterate pages in these namespaces :param total: maximum number of pages to retrieve in total :raises KeyError: a namespace identifier was not resolved :raises TypeError: a namespace identifier has an inappropriate type such as NoneType or bool :raises UnsupportedPageError: a Page object is not supported due to namespace restriction """ tltitle = page.title(with_section=False).encode(self.encoding()) return self._generator(api.PageGenerator, type_arg='templates', titles=tltitle, namespaces=namespaces, total=total, g_content=content)
[docs] def categorymembers( self, category: pywikibot.Category, *, namespaces: NamespaceArgType = None, sortby: str | None = None, reverse: bool = False, starttime: pywikibot.time.Timestamp | None = None, endtime: pywikibot.time.Timestamp | None = None, total: int | None = None, startprefix: str | None = None, endprefix: str | None = None, content: bool = False, member_type: str | Iterable[str] | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Iterate members of specified category. You should not use this method directly; instead use one of the following: - :meth:`pywikibot.Category.articles` - :meth:`pywikibot.Category.members` - :meth:`pywikibot.Category.subcategories` .. versionchanged:: 4.0 parameters except *category* are keyword arguments only. .. versionchanged:: 8.0 raises TypeError instead of Error if no Category is specified .. seealso:: :api:`Categorymembers` :param category: The Category to iterate. :param namespaces: If present, only return category members from these namespaces. To yield subcategories or files, use parameter member_type instead. :param sortby: determines the order in which results are generated, valid values are "sortkey" (default, results ordered by category sort key) or "timestamp" (results ordered by time page was added to the category) :param reverse: if True, generate results in reverse order (default False) :param starttime: if provided, only generate pages added after this time; not valid unless sortby="timestamp" :param endtime: if provided, only generate pages added before this time; not valid unless sortby="timestamp" :param startprefix: if provided, only generate pages >= this title lexically; not valid if sortby="timestamp" :param endprefix: if provided, only generate pages < this title lexically; not valid if sortby="timestamp" :param content: if True, load the current content of each iterated page (default False) :param member_type: member type; values must be ``page``, ``subcat``, ``file``. If member_type includes ``page`` and is used in conjunction with sortby="timestamp", the API may limit results to only pages in the first 50 namespaces. :raises KeyError: a namespace identifier was not resolved :raises TypeError: a namespace identifier has an inappropriate type such as NoneType or bool :raises TypeError: no Category is specified :raises ValueError: invalid values given """ if category.namespace() != 14: raise TypeError( f'categorymembers: non-Category page {category!r} specified') cmtitle = category.title(with_section=False).encode(self.encoding()) cmargs: dict[str, Any] = { 'type_arg': 'categorymembers', 'gcmtitle': cmtitle, 'gcmprop': 'ids|title|sortkey' } if sortby in ['sortkey', 'timestamp']: cmargs['gcmsort'] = sortby elif sortby: raise ValueError( f'categorymembers: invalid sortby value {sortby!r}') if starttime and endtime and starttime > endtime: raise ValueError( 'categorymembers: starttime must be before endtime') if startprefix and endprefix and startprefix > endprefix: raise ValueError( 'categorymembers: startprefix must be less than endprefix') if isinstance(member_type, str): member_type = {member_type} if member_type and sortby == 'timestamp': # Covert namespaces to a known type namespaces = set(self.namespaces.resolve(namespaces or [])) if 'page' in member_type: excluded_namespaces = set() if 'file' not in member_type: excluded_namespaces.add(6) if 'subcat' not in member_type: excluded_namespaces.add(14) if namespaces: if excluded_namespaces.intersection(namespaces): raise ValueError( f'incompatible namespaces {namespaces!r} and ' f'member_type {member_type!r}') # All excluded namespaces are not present in `namespaces`. else: # If the number of namespaces is greater than permitted by # the API, it will issue a warning and use the namespaces # up until the limit, which will usually be sufficient. # TODO: QueryGenerator should detect when the number of # namespaces requested is higher than available, and split # the request into several batches. excluded_namespaces.update([-1, -2]) namespaces = set(self.namespaces) - excluded_namespaces else: if 'file' in member_type: namespaces.add(6) if 'subcat' in member_type: namespaces.add(14) member_type = None if member_type: cmargs['gcmtype'] = member_type if reverse: cmargs['gcmdir'] = 'desc' # API wants start/end params in opposite order if using descending # sort; we take care of this reversal for the user starttime, endtime = endtime, starttime startprefix, endprefix = endprefix, startprefix if starttime and sortby == 'timestamp': cmargs['gcmstart'] = starttime elif starttime: raise ValueError('categorymembers: ' "invalid combination of 'sortby' and 'starttime'") if endtime and sortby == 'timestamp': cmargs['gcmend'] = endtime elif endtime: raise ValueError('categorymembers: ' "invalid combination of 'sortby' and 'endtime'") if startprefix and sortby != 'timestamp': cmargs['gcmstartsortkeyprefix'] = startprefix elif startprefix: raise ValueError('categorymembers: invalid combination of ' "'sortby' and 'startprefix'") if endprefix and sortby != 'timestamp': cmargs['gcmendsortkeyprefix'] = endprefix elif endprefix: raise ValueError('categorymembers: ' "invalid combination of 'sortby' and 'endprefix'") return self._generator(api.PageGenerator, namespaces=namespaces, total=total, g_content=content, **cmargs)
def _rvprops(self, content: bool = False) -> list[str]: """Setup rvprop items for loadrevisions and preloadpages. :return: rvprop items """ props = ['comment', 'contentmodel', 'flags', 'ids', 'parsedcomment', 'sha1', 'size', 'tags', 'timestamp', 'user', 'userid'] if content: props.append('content') if self.mw_version >= '1.32': props.append('roles') return props
[docs] def loadrevisions( self, page: pywikibot.Page, *, content: bool = False, section: int | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Retrieve revision information and store it in page object. By default, retrieves the last (current) revision of the page, unless any of the optional parameters revids, startid, endid, starttime, endtime, rvdir, user, excludeuser, or total are specified. Unless noted below, all parameters not specified default to False. If rvdir is False or not specified, startid must be greater than endid if both are specified; likewise, starttime must be greater than endtime. If rvdir is True, these relationships are reversed. .. seealso:: :api:`Revisions` :param page: retrieve revisions of this Page and hold the data. :param content: if True, retrieve the wiki-text of each revision; otherwise, only retrieve the revision metadata (default) :param section: if specified, retrieve only this section of the text (content must be True); section must be given by number (top of the article is section 0), not name :keyword revids: retrieve only the specified revision ids (raise Exception if any of revids does not correspond to page) :type revids: an int, a str or a list of ints or strings :keyword startid: retrieve revisions starting with this revid :keyword endid: stop upon retrieving this revid :keyword starttime: retrieve revisions starting at this Timestamp :keyword endtime: stop upon reaching this Timestamp :keyword rvdir: if false, retrieve newest revisions first (default); if true, retrieve oldest first :keyword user: retrieve only revisions authored by this user :keyword excludeuser: retrieve all revisions not authored by this user :keyword total: number of revisions to retrieve :raises ValueError: invalid startid/endid or starttime/endtime values :raises pywikibot.exceptions.Error: revids belonging to a different page """ latest = all(val is None for val in kwargs.values()) revids = kwargs.get('revids') startid = kwargs.get('startid') starttime = kwargs.get('starttime') endid = kwargs.get('endid') endtime = kwargs.get('endtime') rvdir = kwargs.get('rvdir') user = kwargs.get('user') step = kwargs.get('step') # check for invalid argument combinations if (startid is not None or endid is not None) \ and (starttime is not None or endtime is not None): raise ValueError( 'loadrevisions: startid/endid combined with starttime/endtime') if starttime is not None and endtime is not None: if rvdir and starttime >= endtime: raise ValueError( 'loadrevisions: starttime > endtime with rvdir=True') if not rvdir and endtime >= starttime: raise ValueError( 'loadrevisions: endtime > starttime with rvdir=False') if startid is not None and endid is not None: if rvdir and startid >= endid: raise ValueError( 'loadrevisions: startid > endid with rvdir=True') if not rvdir and endid >= startid: raise ValueError( 'loadrevisions: endid > startid with rvdir=False') rvargs: dict[str, Any] = { 'type_arg': 'info|revisions', 'rvprop': self._rvprops(content=content), } if content and section is not None: rvargs['rvsection'] = str(section) if revids is None: rvtitle = page.title(with_section=False).encode(self.encoding()) rvargs['titles'] = rvtitle else: if isinstance(revids, (int, str)): ids = str(revids) else: ids = '|'.join(str(r) for r in revids) rvargs['revids'] = ids if rvdir: rvargs['rvdir'] = 'newer' elif rvdir is not None: rvargs['rvdir'] = 'older' if startid: rvargs['rvstartid'] = startid if endid: rvargs['rvendid'] = endid if starttime: rvargs['rvstart'] = starttime if endtime: rvargs['rvend'] = endtime if user: rvargs['rvuser'] = user else: rvargs['rvexcludeuser'] = kwargs.get('excludeuser') # assemble API request rvgen = self._generator(api.PropertyGenerator, total=kwargs.get('total'), **rvargs) if step: rvgen.set_query_increment = step if latest or 'revids' in rvgen.request: rvgen.set_maximum_items(-1) # suppress use of rvlimit parameter for pagedata in rvgen: if not self.sametitle(pagedata['title'], page.title(with_section=False)): raise InconsistentTitleError(page, pagedata['title']) if 'missing' in pagedata: raise NoPageError(page) api.update_page(page, pagedata, rvgen.props)
[docs] def allpages( self, start: str = '!', prefix: str = '', namespace: SingleNamespaceType = 0, filterredir: bool | None = None, filterlanglinks: bool | None = None, minsize: int | None = None, maxsize: int | None = None, protect_type: str | None = None, protect_level: str | None = None, reverse: bool = False, total: int | None = None, content: bool = False, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Iterate pages in a single namespace. .. seealso:: :api:`Allpages` :param start: Start at this title (page need not exist). :param prefix: Only yield pages starting with this string. :param namespace: Iterate pages from this (single) namespace :param filterredir: if True, only yield redirects; if False (and not None), only yield non-redirects (default: yield both) :param filterlanglinks: if True, only yield pages with language links; if False (and not None), only yield pages without language links (default: yield both) :param minsize: if present, only yield pages at least this many bytes in size :param maxsize: if present, only yield pages at most this many bytes in size :param protect_type: only yield pages that have a protection of the specified type :param protect_level: only yield pages that have protection at this level; can only be used if protect_type is specified :param reverse: if True, iterate in reverse Unicode lexigraphic order (default: iterate in forward order) :param content: if True, load the current content of each iterated page (default False) :raises KeyError: the namespace identifier was not resolved :raises TypeError: the namespace identifier has an inappropriate type such as bool, or an iterable with more than one namespace """ # backward compatibility test if filterredir not in (True, False, None): old = filterredir if not filterredir: filterredir = False elif filterredir == 'only': filterredir = True else: filterredir = None issue_deprecation_warning( f'The value "{old}" for "filterredir"', f'"{filterredir}"', since='7.0.0') apgen = self._generator(api.PageGenerator, type_arg='allpages', namespaces=namespace, gapfrom=start, total=total, g_content=content) if prefix: apgen.request['gapprefix'] = prefix if filterredir is not None: apgen.request['gapfilterredir'] = ('redirects' if filterredir else 'nonredirects') if filterlanglinks is not None: apgen.request['gapfilterlanglinks'] = ('withlanglinks' if filterlanglinks else 'withoutlanglinks') if isinstance(minsize, int): apgen.request['gapminsize'] = str(minsize) if isinstance(maxsize, int): apgen.request['gapmaxsize'] = str(maxsize) if isinstance(protect_type, str): apgen.request['gapprtype'] = protect_type if isinstance(protect_level, str): apgen.request['gapprlevel'] = protect_level if reverse: apgen.request['gapdir'] = 'descending' return apgen
[docs] def allcategories( self, start: str = '!', prefix: str = '', total: int | None = None, reverse: bool = False, content: bool = False, ) -> Iterable[]: """Iterate categories used (which need not have a Category page). Iterator yields Category objects. Note that, in practice, links that were found on pages that have been deleted may not have been removed from the database table, so this method can return false positives. .. seealso:: :api:`Allcategories` :param start: Start at this category title (category need not exist). :param prefix: Only yield categories starting with this string. :param reverse: if True, iterate in reverse Unicode lexigraphic order (default: iterate in forward order) :param content: if True, load the current content of each iterated page (default False); note that this means the contents of the category description page, not the pages that are members of the category """ acgen = self._generator(api.PageGenerator, type_arg='allcategories', gacfrom=start, total=total, g_content=content) if prefix: acgen.request['gacprefix'] = prefix if reverse: acgen.request['gacdir'] = 'descending' return acgen
[docs] def botusers( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Generator[dict[str, Any], None, None]: """Iterate bot users. Iterated values are dicts containing 'name', 'userid', 'editcount', 'registration', and 'groups' keys. 'groups' will be present only if the user is a member of at least 1 group, and will be a list of str; all the other values are str and should always be present. """ if not hasattr(self, '_bots'): self._bots: dict[str, dict[str, str | list[str]]] = {} if not self._bots: for item in self.allusers(group='bot', total=total): assert isinstance(item['name'], str) self._bots.setdefault(item['name'], item) yield from self._bots.values()
[docs] def allusers( self, start: str = '!', prefix: str = '', group: str | None = None, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[dict[str, str | list[str]]]: """Iterate registered users, ordered by username. Iterated values are dicts containing 'name', 'editcount', 'registration', and (sometimes) 'groups' keys. 'groups' will be present only if the user is a member of at least 1 group, and will be a list of str; all the other values are str and should always be present. .. seealso:: :api:`Allusers` :param start: start at this username (name need not exist) :param prefix: only iterate usernames starting with this substring :param group: only iterate users that are members of this group """ augen = self._generator(api.ListGenerator, type_arg='allusers', auprop='editcount|groups|registration', aufrom=start, total=total) if prefix: augen.request['auprefix'] = prefix if group: augen.request['augroup'] = group return augen
[docs] def allimages( self, start: str = '!', prefix: str = '', minsize: int | None = None, maxsize: int | None = None, reverse: bool = False, sha1: str | None = None, sha1base36: str | None = None, total: int | None = None, content: bool = False, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.FilePage]: """Iterate all images, ordered by image title. Yields FilePages, but these pages need not exist on the wiki. .. seealso:: :api:`Allimages` :param start: start at this title (name need not exist) :param prefix: only iterate titles starting with this substring :param minsize: only iterate images of at least this many bytes :param maxsize: only iterate images of no more than this many bytes :param reverse: if True, iterate in reverse lexigraphic order :param sha1: only iterate image (it is theoretically possible there could be more than one) with this sha1 hash :param sha1base36: same as sha1 but in base 36 :param content: if True, load the current content of each iterated page (default False); note that this means the content of the image description page, not the image itself """ aigen = self._generator(api.PageGenerator, type_arg='allimages', gaifrom=start, total=total, g_content=content) if prefix: aigen.request['gaiprefix'] = prefix if isinstance(minsize, int): aigen.request['gaiminsize'] = str(minsize) if isinstance(maxsize, int): aigen.request['gaimaxsize'] = str(maxsize) if reverse: aigen.request['gaidir'] = 'descending' if sha1: aigen.request['gaisha1'] = sha1 if sha1base36: aigen.request['gaisha1base36'] = sha1base36 return aigen
[docs] def filearchive( self, start: str | None = None, end: str | None = None, reverse: bool = False, total: int | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> Iterable[dict[str, Any]]: """Iterate archived files. Yields dict of file archive informations. .. seealso:: :api:`filearchive` :param start: start at this title (name need not exist) :param end: end at this title (name need not exist) :param reverse: if True, iterate in reverse lexigraphic order :param total: maximum number of pages to retrieve in total :keyword prefix: only iterate titles starting with this substring :keyword sha1: only iterate image with this sha1 hash :keyword sha1base36: same as sha1 but in base 36 :keyword prop: Image information to get. Default is timestamp """ if start and end: self.assert_valid_iter_params( 'filearchive', start, end, reverse, is_ts=False) fagen = self._generator(api.ListGenerator, type_arg='filearchive', fafrom=start, fato=end, total=total) for k, v in kwargs.items(): fagen.request['fa' + k] = v if reverse: fagen.request['fadir'] = 'descending' return fagen
[docs] def blocks( self, starttime: pywikibot.time.Timestamp | None = None, endtime: pywikibot.time.Timestamp | None = None, reverse: bool = False, blockids: int | str | Iterable[int | str] | None = None, users: str | Iterable[str] | None = None, iprange: str | None = None, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[dict[str, Any]]: """Iterate all current blocks, in order of creation. The iterator yields dicts containing keys corresponding to the block properties. .. seealso:: :api:`Blocks` .. note:: logevents only logs user blocks, while this method iterates all blocks including IP ranges. .. warning:: ``iprange`` parameter cannot be used together with ``users``. :param starttime: start iterating at this Timestamp :param endtime: stop iterating at this Timestamp :param reverse: if True, iterate oldest blocks first (default: newest) :param blockids: only iterate blocks with these id numbers. Numbers must be separated by '|' if given by a str. :param users: only iterate blocks affecting these usernames or IPs :param iprange: a single IP or an IP range. Ranges broader than IPv4/16 or IPv6/19 are not accepted. :param total: total amount of block entries """ if starttime and endtime: self.assert_valid_iter_params('blocks', starttime, endtime, reverse) bkgen = self._generator(api.ListGenerator, type_arg='blocks', total=total) bkgen.request['bkprop'] = ['id', 'user', 'by', 'timestamp', 'expiry', 'reason', 'range', 'flags', 'userid'] if starttime: bkgen.request['bkstart'] = starttime if endtime: bkgen.request['bkend'] = endtime if reverse: bkgen.request['bkdir'] = 'newer' if blockids: bkgen.request['bkids'] = blockids if users: if isinstance(users, str): users = users.split('|') # actual IPv6 addresses (anonymous users) are uppercase, but they # have never a :: in the username (so those are registered users) users = [user.upper() if is_ip_address(user) and '::' not in user else user for user in users] bkgen.request['bkusers'] = users elif iprange: bkgen.request['bkip'] = iprange return bkgen
[docs] def exturlusage( self, url: str | None = None, protocol: str | None = None, namespaces: list[int] | None = None, total: int | None = None, content: bool = False, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Iterate Pages that contain links to the given URL. .. seealso:: :api:`Exturlusage` :param url: The URL to search for (with or without the protocol prefix); this may include a '*' as a wildcard, only at the start of the hostname :param namespaces: list of namespace numbers to fetch contribs from :param total: Maximum number of pages to retrieve in total :param protocol: Protocol to search for, likely http or https, http by default. Full list shown on Special:LinkSearch wikipage """ if url is not None: found_protocol, _, url = url.rpartition('://') # If url is * we make it None in order to search for every page # with any URL. if url == '*': url = None if found_protocol: if protocol and protocol != found_protocol: raise ValueError('Protocol was specified, but a different ' 'one was found in searched url') protocol = found_protocol if not protocol: protocol = 'http' return self._generator(api.PageGenerator, type_arg='exturlusage', geuquery=url, geuprotocol=protocol, namespaces=namespaces, total=total, g_content=content)
[docs] def imageusage( self, image: pywikibot.FilePage, *, namespaces: NamespaceArgType = None, filterredir: bool | None = None, total: int | None = None, content: bool = False, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Iterate Pages that contain links to the given FilePage. .. seealso:: :api:`Imageusage` .. versionchanged:: 7.2 all parameters except `image` are keyword only. :param image: the image to search for (FilePage need not exist on the wiki) :param namespaces: If present, only iterate pages in these namespaces :param filterredir: if True, only yield redirects; if False (and not None), only yield non-redirects (default: yield both) :param total: iterate no more than this number of pages in total :param content: if True, load the current content of each iterated page (default False) :raises KeyError: a namespace identifier was not resolved :raises TypeError: a namespace identifier has an inappropriate type such as NoneType or bool """ iuargs = {'giutitle': image.title(with_section=False)} if filterredir is not None: iuargs['giufilterredir'] = ('redirects' if filterredir else 'nonredirects') return self._generator(api.PageGenerator, type_arg='imageusage', namespaces=namespaces, total=total, g_content=content, **iuargs)
[docs] def logevents( self, logtype: str | None = None, user: str | None = None, page: str | pywikibot.Page | None = None, namespace: NamespaceArgType = None, start: str | pywikibot.time.Timestamp | None = None, end: str | pywikibot.time.Timestamp | None = None, reverse: bool = False, tag: str | None = None, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.logentries.LogEntry]: """Iterate all log entries. .. seealso:: :api:`Logevents` .. note:: logevents with `logtype='block'` only logs user blocks whereas `site.blocks` iterates all blocks including IP ranges. :param logtype: only iterate entries of this type (see mediawiki api documentation for available types) :param user: only iterate entries that match this user name :param page: only iterate entries affecting this page :param namespace: namespace(s) to retrieve logevents from .. note:: due to an API limitation, if namespace param contains multiple namespaces, log entries from all namespaces will be fetched from the API and will be filtered later during iteration. :param start: only iterate entries from and after this Timestamp :param end: only iterate entries up to and through this Timestamp :param reverse: if True, iterate oldest entries first (default: newest) :param tag: only iterate entries tagged with this tag :param total: maximum number of events to iterate :raises KeyError: the namespace identifier was not resolved :raises TypeError: the namespace identifier has an inappropriate type such as bool, or an iterable with more than one namespace """ if start and end: self.assert_valid_iter_params('logevents', start, end, reverse) legen = self._generator(api.LogEntryListGenerator, type_arg=logtype, total=total) if logtype is not None: legen.request['letype'] = logtype if user is not None: legen.request['leuser'] = user if page is not None: legen.request['letitle'] = page if start is not None: legen.request['lestart'] = start if end is not None: legen.request['leend'] = end if reverse: legen.request['ledir'] = 'newer' if namespace is not None: legen.set_namespace(namespace) if tag: legen.request['letag'] = tag return legen
[docs] def recentchanges( self, *, start: pywikibot.time.Timestamp | None = None, end: pywikibot.time.Timestamp | None = None, reverse: bool = False, namespaces: NamespaceArgType = None, changetype: str | None = None, minor: bool | None = None, bot: bool | None = None, anon: bool | None = None, redirect: bool | None = None, patrolled: bool | None = None, top_only: bool = False, total: int | None = None, user: str | list[str] | None = None, excludeuser: str | list[str] | None = None, tag: str | None = None, ) -> Iterable[dict[str, Any]]: """Iterate recent changes. .. seealso:: :api:`RecentChanges` :param start: Timestamp to start listing from :type start: pywikibot.Timestamp :param end: Timestamp to end listing at :type end: pywikibot.Timestamp :param reverse: if True, start with oldest changes (default: newest) :param namespaces: only iterate pages in these namespaces :param changetype: only iterate changes of this type ("edit" for edits to existing pages, "new" for new pages, "log" for log entries) :param minor: if True, only list minor edits; if False, only list non-minor edits; if None, list all :param bot: if True, only list bot edits; if False, only list non-bot edits; if None, list all :param anon: if True, only list anon edits; if False, only list non-anon edits; if None, list all :param redirect: if True, only list edits to redirect pages; if False, only list edits to non-redirect pages; if None, list all :param patrolled: if True, only list patrolled edits; if False, only list non-patrolled edits; if None, list all :param top_only: if True, only list changes that are the latest revision (default False) :param user: if not None, only list edits by this user or users :param excludeuser: if not None, exclude edits by this user or users :param tag: a recent changes tag :raises KeyError: a namespace identifier was not resolved :raises TypeError: a namespace identifier has an inappropriate type such as NoneType or bool """ if start and end: self.assert_valid_iter_params('recentchanges', start, end, reverse) rcgen = self._generator(api.ListGenerator, type_arg='recentchanges', rcprop='user|comment|timestamp|title|ids' '|sizes|redirect|loginfo|flags|tags', namespaces=namespaces, total=total, rctoponly=top_only) if start is not None: rcgen.request['rcstart'] = start if end is not None: rcgen.request['rcend'] = end if reverse: rcgen.request['rcdir'] = 'newer' if changetype: rcgen.request['rctype'] = changetype filters = {'minor': minor, 'bot': bot, 'anon': anon, 'redirect': redirect, } if patrolled is not None and ( self.has_right('patrol') or self.has_right('patrolmarks')): rcgen.request['rcprop'] += ['patrolled'] filters['patrolled'] = patrolled rcgen.request['rcshow'] = api.OptionSet(self, 'recentchanges', 'show', filters) if user: rcgen.request['rcuser'] = user if excludeuser: rcgen.request['rcexcludeuser'] = excludeuser rcgen.request['rctag'] = tag return rcgen
[docs] def search( self, searchstring: str, *, namespaces: NamespaceArgType = None, where: str | None = None, total: int | None = None, content: bool = False, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Iterate Pages that contain the searchstring. Note that this may include non-existing Pages if the wiki's database table contains outdated entries. .. versionchanged:: 7.0 Default of `where` parameter has been changed from 'text' to None. The behaviour depends on the installed search engine which is 'text' on CirrusSearch'. raises APIError instead of Error if searchstring is not set or what parameter is wrong. .. seealso:: :api:`Search` :param searchstring: the text to search for :param where: Where to search; value must be "text", "title", "nearmatch" or None (many wikis do not support all search types) :param namespaces: search only in these namespaces (defaults to all) :param content: if True, load the current content of each iterated page (default False) :raises KeyError: a namespace identifier was not resolved :raises TypeError: a namespace identifier has an inappropriate type such as NoneType or bool :raises APIError: The "gsrsearch" parameter must be set: searchstring parameter is not set :raises APIError: Unrecognized value for parameter "gsrwhat": wrong where parameter is given """ if not namespaces and namespaces != 0: namespaces = [ns_id for ns_id in self.namespaces if ns_id >= 0] srgen = self._generator(api.PageGenerator, type_arg='search', gsrsearch=searchstring, gsrwhat=where, namespaces=namespaces, total=total, g_content=content) return srgen
[docs] def usercontribs( self, user: str | None = None, userprefix: str | None = None, start=None, end=None, reverse: bool = False, namespaces: NamespaceArgType = None, minor: bool | None = None, total: int | None = None, top_only: bool = False, ) -> Iterable[dict[str, Any]]: """Iterate contributions by a particular user. Iterated values are in the same format as recentchanges. .. seealso:: - :api:`Usercontribs` - :meth:`pywikibot.User.contributions` :param user: Iterate contributions by this user (name or IP) :param userprefix: Iterate contributions by all users whose names or IPs start with this substring :param start: Iterate contributions starting at this Timestamp :param end: Iterate contributions ending at this Timestamp :param reverse: Iterate oldest contributions first (default: newest) :param namespaces: only iterate pages in these namespaces :param minor: if True, iterate only minor edits; if False and not None, iterate only non-minor edits (default: iterate both) :param total: limit result to this number of pages :param top_only: if True, iterate only edits which are the latest revision (default: False) :raises pywikibot.exceptions.Error: either user or userprefix must be non-empty :raises KeyError: a namespace identifier was not resolved :raises TypeError: a namespace identifier has an inappropriate type such as NoneType or bool """ if not (user or userprefix): raise Error( 'usercontribs: either user or userprefix must be non-empty') if start and end: self.assert_valid_iter_params('usercontribs', start, end, reverse) ucgen = self._generator(api.ListGenerator, type_arg='usercontribs', ucprop='ids|title|timestamp|comment|flags', namespaces=namespaces, total=total, uctoponly=top_only) if user: ucgen.request['ucuser'] = user if userprefix: ucgen.request['ucuserprefix'] = userprefix if start is not None: ucgen.request['ucstart'] = str(start) if end is not None: ucgen.request['ucend'] = str(end) if reverse: ucgen.request['ucdir'] = 'newer' option_set = api.OptionSet(self, 'usercontribs', 'show') option_set['minor'] = minor ucgen.request['ucshow'] = option_set return ucgen
[docs] def watchlist_revs( self, start=None, end=None, reverse: bool = False, namespaces: NamespaceArgType = None, minor: bool | None = None, bot: bool | None = None, anon: bool | None = None, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[dict[str, Any]]: """Iterate revisions to pages on the bot user's watchlist. Iterated values will be in same format as recentchanges. .. seealso:: :api:`Watchlist` :param start: Iterate revisions starting at this Timestamp :param end: Iterate revisions ending at this Timestamp :param reverse: Iterate oldest revisions first (default: newest) :param namespaces: only iterate pages in these namespaces :param minor: if True, only list minor edits; if False (and not None), only list non-minor edits :param bot: if True, only list bot edits; if False (and not None), only list non-bot edits :param anon: if True, only list anon edits; if False (and not None), only list non-anon edits :raises KeyError: a namespace identifier was not resolved :raises TypeError: a namespace identifier has an inappropriate type such as NoneType or bool """ if start and end: self.assert_valid_iter_params( 'watchlist_revs', start, end, reverse) wlgen = self._generator( api.ListGenerator, type_arg='watchlist', wlprop='user|comment|timestamp|title|ids|flags', wlallrev='', namespaces=namespaces, total=total) # TODO: allow users to ask for "patrol" as well? if start is not None: wlgen.request['wlstart'] = start if end is not None: wlgen.request['wlend'] = end if reverse: wlgen.request['wldir'] = 'newer' filters = {'minor': minor, 'bot': bot, 'anon': anon} wlgen.request['wlshow'] = api.OptionSet(self, 'watchlist', 'show', filters) return wlgen
def _check_view_deleted(self, msg_prefix: str, prop: list[str]) -> None: """Check if the user can view deleted comments and content. :param msg_prefix: The calling method name :param prop: Requested props to check :raises UserRightsError: user cannot view a requested prop """ err = f'{msg_prefix}: User:{self.user()} not authorized to view ' if not self.has_right('deletedhistory'): if self.mw_version < '1.34': raise UserRightsError(err + 'deleted revisions.') if 'comment' in prop or 'parsedcomment' in prop: raise UserRightsError(err + 'comments of deleted revisions.') if ('content' in prop and not (self.has_right('deletedtext') or self.has_right('undelete'))): raise UserRightsError(err + 'deleted content.')
[docs] def deletedrevs( self, titles: str | pywikibot.Page | Iterable[str] | Iterable[pywikibot.Page] | None = None, start=None, end=None, reverse: bool = False, content: bool = False, total: int | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> Generator[dict[str, Any], None, None]: """Iterate deleted revisions. Each value returned by the iterator will be a dict containing the 'title' and 'ns' keys for a particular Page and a 'revisions' key whose value is a list of revisions in the same format as recentchanges plus a 'content' element with key '*' if requested when 'content' parameter is set. For older wikis a 'token' key is also given with the content request. .. seealso:: :api:`Deletedrevisions` :param titles: The page titles to check for deleted revisions :keyword revids: Get revisions by their ID .. note:: either titles or revids must be set but not both :param start: Iterate revisions starting at this Timestamp :param end: Iterate revisions ending at this Timestamp :param reverse: Iterate oldest revisions first (default: newest) :param content: If True, retrieve the content of each revision :param total: number of revisions to retrieve :keyword user: List revisions by this user :keyword excludeuser: Exclude revisions by this user :keyword tag: Only list revision tagged with this tag :keyword prop: Which properties to get. Defaults are ids, user, comment, flags and timestamp """ # set default properties prop = kwargs.pop('prop', ['ids', 'user', 'comment', 'flags', 'timestamp']) if isinstance(prop, str): prop = prop.split('|') if content: prop.append('content') if start and end: self.assert_valid_iter_params('deletedrevs', start, end, reverse) self._check_view_deleted('deletedrevs', prop) revids = kwargs.pop('revids', None) if not bool(titles) ^ (revids is not None): raise Error('deletedrevs: either "titles" or "revids" parameter ' 'must be given.') gen = self._generator(api.PropertyGenerator, type_arg='deletedrevisions', titles=titles, revids=revids, total=total) gen.request['drvstart'] = start gen.request['drvend'] = end gen.request['drvprop'] = prop if reverse: gen.request['drvdir'] = 'newer' # handle other parameters like user for k, v in kwargs.items(): gen.request['drv' + k] = v for data in gen: with suppress(KeyError): data['revisions'] = data.pop('deletedrevisions') yield data
[docs] def alldeletedrevisions( self, *, namespaces: NamespaceArgType = None, reverse: bool = False, content: bool = False, total: int | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> Generator[dict[str, Any], None, None]: """ Yield all deleted revisions. .. seealso:: :api:`Alldeletedrevisions` .. warning:: *user* keyword argument must be given together with *start* or *end*. :param namespaces: Only iterate pages in these namespaces :param reverse: Iterate oldest revisions first (default: newest) :param content: If True, retrieve the content of each revision :param total: Number of revisions to retrieve :keyword str from: Start listing at this title :keyword str to: Stop listing at this title :keyword str prefix: Search for all page titles that begin with this value :keyword str excludeuser: Exclude revisions by this user :keyword str tag: Only list revisions tagged with this tag :keyword str user: List revisions by this user :keyword start: Iterate revisions starting at this Timestamp :keyword end: Iterate revisions ending at this Timestamp :keyword list[str] prop: Which properties to get. Defaults are ``ids``, ``timestamp``, ``flags``, ``user``, and ``comment`` (if the bot has the right to view). """ if 'start' in kwargs and 'end' in kwargs: self.assert_valid_iter_params('alldeletedrevisions', kwargs['start'], kwargs['end'], reverse) prop = kwargs.pop('prop', []) parameters = {'adr' + k: v for k, v in kwargs.items()} if not prop: prop = ['ids', 'timestamp', 'flags', 'user'] if self.has_right('deletedhistory'): prop.append('comment') if content: prop.append('content') self._check_view_deleted('alldeletedrevisions', prop) parameters['adrprop'] = prop if reverse: parameters['adrdir'] = 'newer' yield from self._generator(api.ListGenerator, type_arg='alldeletedrevisions', namespaces=namespaces, total=total, parameters=parameters)
[docs] def users( self, usernames: Iterable[str], ) -> Iterable[dict[str, Any]]: """Iterate info about a list of users by name or IP. .. seealso:: :api:`Users` :param usernames: a list of user names """ usprop = ['blockinfo', 'gender', 'groups', 'editcount', 'registration', 'rights', 'emailable'] usgen = api.ListGenerator( 'users', site=self, parameters={ 'ususers': usernames, 'usprop': usprop}) return usgen
[docs] def randompages( self, total: int | None = None, namespaces: NamespaceArgType = None, redirects: bool | None = False, content: bool = False, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Iterate a number of random pages. Pages are listed in a fixed sequence, only the starting point is random. .. seealso:: :api:`Random` .. versionchanged:: 9.0 Raises ``TypeError`` instead of ``AssertionError`` if *redirects* is invalid. :param total: the maximum number of pages to iterate :param namespaces: only iterate pages in these namespaces. :param redirects: if True, include only redirect pages in results, False does not include redirects and None include both types (default: False). :param content: if True, load the current content of each iterated page (default False). :raises KeyError: a namespace identifier was not resolved :raises TypeError: a namespace identifier has an inappropriate type such as NoneType or bool :raises TypeError: unsupported redirects parameter """ mapping = {False: None, True: 'redirects', None: 'all'} if redirects not in mapping: raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for 'redirects' parameter: " f'{type(redirects).__name__}({redirects})') redirects_ = mapping[redirects] params = {} if redirects_ is not None: params['grnfilterredir'] = redirects_ return self._generator(api.PageGenerator, type_arg='random', namespaces=namespaces, total=total, g_content=content, **params)
_patrol_errors = { 'nosuchrcid': 'There is no change with rcid {rcid}', 'nosuchrevid': 'There is no change with revid {revid}', 'patroldisabled': 'Patrolling is disabled on {site} wiki', 'noautopatrol': 'User {user} has no permission to patrol its own ' 'changes, "autopatrol" is needed', 'notpatrollable': "The revision {revid} can't be patrolled as it's too old." }
[docs] @need_right('patrol') def patrol( self, rcid: int | str | Iterable[int] | Iterable[str] | None = None, revid: int | str | Iterable[int] | Iterable[str] | None = None, revision: | Iterable[] | None = None, ) -> Generator[dict[str, int | str], None, None]: """Return a generator of patrolled pages. .. seealso:: :api:`Patrol` Pages to be patrolled are identified by rcid, revid or revision. At least one of the parameters is mandatory. See :param rcid: an int/string/iterable/iterator providing rcid of pages to be patrolled. :param revid: an int/string/iterable/iterator providing revid of pages to be patrolled. :param revision: an Revision/iterable/iterator providing Revision object of pages to be patrolled. """ # If patrol is not enabled, attr will be set the first time a # request is done. if hasattr(self, '_patroldisabled') and self._patroldisabled: return if all(_ is None for _ in [rcid, revid, revision]): raise Error('No rcid, revid or revision provided.') if rcid is None: rcid_ = set() elif isinstance(rcid, (int, str)): rcid_ = {rcid} else: rcid_ = set(rcid) if revid is None: revid_ = set() elif isinstance(revid, (int, str)): revid_ = {revid} else: revid_ = set(revid) if revision is None: revision_ = set() elif isinstance(revision, revision_ = {revision} else: revision_ = set(revision) combined_revid = revid_ | {r.revid for r in revision_} # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa: E501 gen = itertools.chain( zip_longest(rcid_, [], fillvalue='rcid'), zip_longest(combined_revid, [], fillvalue='revid')) token = self.tokens['patrol'] for idvalue, idtype in gen: req = self._request(parameters={'action': 'patrol', 'token': token, idtype: idvalue}) try: result = req.submit() except APIError as err: # patrol is disabled, store in attr to avoid other requests if err.code == 'patroldisabled': self._patroldisabled = True return errdata = { 'site': self, 'user': self.user(), idtype: idvalue, } if err.code in self._patrol_errors: raise Error(self._patrol_errors[err.code] .format_map(errdata)) pywikibot.debug("protect: Unexpected error code '{}' received." .format(err.code)) raise yield result['patrol']
[docs] def newpages( self, user=None, returndict: bool = False, start=None, end=None, reverse: bool = False, bot: bool = False, redirect: bool = False, excludeuser=None, patrolled=None, namespaces: NamespaceArgType = None, total: int | None = None, ) -> ( Generator[tuple[pywikibot.Page, dict[str, Any]], None, None] | Generator[tuple[pywikibot.Page, str, int, str, str, str], None, None] ): """Yield new articles (as Page objects) from recent changes. Starts with the newest article and fetches the number of articles specified in the first argument. The objects yielded are dependent on parameter returndict. When true, it yields a tuple composed of a Page object and a dict of attributes. When false, it yields a tuple composed of the Page object, timestamp (str), length (int), an empty string, username or IP address (str), comment (str). :param namespaces: only iterate pages in these namespaces :raises KeyError: a namespace identifier was not resolved :raises TypeError: a namespace identifier has an inappropriate type such as NoneType or bool """ # TODO: update docstring # N.B. API still provides no way to access Special:Newpages content # directly, so we get new pages indirectly through 'recentchanges' gen = self.recentchanges( start=start, end=end, reverse=reverse, namespaces=namespaces, changetype='new', user=user, excludeuser=excludeuser, bot=bot, redirect=redirect, patrolled=patrolled, total=total ) for pageitem in gen: newpage = pywikibot.Page(self, pageitem['title']) if returndict: yield (newpage, pageitem) else: yield (newpage, pageitem['timestamp'], pageitem['newlen'], '', pageitem['user'], pageitem.get('comment', ''))
[docs] def querypage( self, special_page: str, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Iterate Page objects retrieved from Special:{special_page}. Generic function for all special pages supported by the site MW API. .. seealso:: :api:`Querypage` .. versionchanged:: 9.0 Raises ``ValueError`` instead of ``AssertionError`` if *special_page* is invalid. :param special_page: Special page to query :param total: number of pages to return :raise ValueError: special_page is not supported in SpecialPages. """ param = self._paraminfo.parameter('query+querypage', 'page') if special_page not in param['type']: raise ValueError(f"{special_page} not in {param['type']}") return self._generator(api.PageGenerator, type_arg='querypage', gqppage=special_page, total=total)
[docs] def longpages( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Generator[tuple[pywikibot.Page, int], None, None]: """Yield Pages and lengths from Special:Longpages. Yields a tuple of Page object, length(int). :param total: number of pages to return """ lpgen = self._generator(api.ListGenerator, type_arg='querypage', qppage='Longpages', total=total) for pageitem in lpgen: yield (pywikibot.Page(self, pageitem['title']), int(pageitem['value']))
[docs] def shortpages( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Generator[tuple[pywikibot.Page, int], None, None]: """Yield Pages and lengths from Special:Shortpages. Yields a tuple of Page object, length(int). :param total: number of pages to return """ spgen = self._generator(api.ListGenerator, type_arg='querypage', qppage='Shortpages', total=total) for pageitem in spgen: yield (pywikibot.Page(self, pageitem['title']), int(pageitem['value']))
[docs] def deadendpages( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Yield Page objects retrieved from Special:Deadendpages. :param total: number of pages to return """ return self.querypage('Deadendpages', total)
[docs] def ancientpages( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Generator[tuple[pywikibot.Page, pywikibot.Timestamp], None, None]: """Yield Pages, datestamps from Special:Ancientpages. :param total: number of pages to return """ apgen = self._generator(api.ListGenerator, type_arg='querypage', qppage='Ancientpages', total=total) for pageitem in apgen: yield (pywikibot.Page(self, pageitem['title']), pywikibot.Timestamp.fromISOformat(pageitem['timestamp']))
[docs] def lonelypages( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Yield Pages retrieved from Special:Lonelypages. :param total: number of pages to return """ return self.querypage('Lonelypages', total)
[docs] def unwatchedpages( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Yield Pages from Special:Unwatchedpages (requires Admin privileges). :param total: number of pages to return """ return self.querypage('Unwatchedpages', total)
[docs] def wantedpages( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Yield Pages from Special:Wantedpages. :param total: number of pages to return """ return self.querypage('Wantedpages', total)
[docs] def wantedfiles( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Yield Pages from Special:Wantedfiles. :param total: number of pages to return """ return self.querypage('Wantedfiles', total)
[docs] def wantedtemplates( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Yield Pages from Special:Wantedtemplates. :param total: number of pages to return """ return self.querypage('Wantedtemplates', total)
[docs] def wantedcategories( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Yield Pages from Special:Wantedcategories. :param total: number of pages to return """ return self.querypage('Wantedcategories', total)
[docs] def uncategorizedcategories( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Yield Categories from Special:Uncategorizedcategories. :param total: number of pages to return """ return self.querypage('Uncategorizedcategories', total)
[docs] def uncategorizedimages( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Yield FilePages from Special:Uncategorizedimages. :param total: number of pages to return """ return self.querypage('Uncategorizedimages', total)
# synonym uncategorizedfiles = uncategorizedimages
[docs] def uncategorizedpages( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Yield Pages from Special:Uncategorizedpages. :param total: number of pages to return """ return self.querypage('Uncategorizedpages', total)
[docs] def uncategorizedtemplates( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Yield Pages from Special:Uncategorizedtemplates. :param total: number of pages to return """ return self.querypage('Uncategorizedtemplates', total)
[docs] def unusedcategories( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Yield Category objects from Special:Unusedcategories. :param total: number of pages to return """ return self.querypage('Unusedcategories', total)
[docs] def unusedfiles( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Yield FilePage objects from Special:Unusedimages. :param total: number of pages to return """ return self.querypage('Unusedimages', total)
[docs] def withoutinterwiki( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Yield Pages without language links from Special:Withoutinterwiki. :param total: number of pages to return """ return self.querypage('Withoutinterwiki', total)
[docs] def broken_redirects( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Yield Pages with broken redirects from Special:BrokenRedirects. :param total: number of pages to return """ return self.querypage('BrokenRedirects', total)
[docs] def double_redirects( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Yield Pages with double redirects from Special:DoubleRedirects. :param total: number of pages to return """ return self.querypage('DoubleRedirects', total)
[docs] def redirectpages( self, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Yield redirect pages from Special:ListRedirects. :param total: number of pages to return """ return self.querypage('Listredirects', total)
[docs] @deprecate_arg('type', 'protect_type') def protectedpages( self, namespace: NamespaceArgType = 0, protect_type: str = 'edit', level: str | bool = False, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Return protected pages depending on protection level and type. For protection types which aren't 'create' it uses :py:obj:`APISite.allpages`, while it uses for 'create' the 'query+protectedtitles' module. .. versionchanged:: 9.0 *type* parameter was renamed to *protect_type*. .. seealso:: :api:`Protectedtitles` :param namespace: The searched namespace. :param protect_type: The protection type to search for (default 'edit'). :param level: The protection level (like 'autoconfirmed'). If False it shows all protection levels. :return: The pages which are protected. """ namespaces = self.namespaces.resolve(namespace) # always assert, so we are be sure that protect_type could be 'create' assert 'create' in self.protection_types(), \ "'create' should be a valid protection type." if protect_type == 'create': return self._generator( api.PageGenerator, type_arg='protectedtitles', namespaces=namespaces, gptlevel=level, total=total) return self.allpages(namespace=namespaces[0], protect_level=level, protect_type=protect_type, total=total)
[docs] def pages_with_property( self, propname: str, *, total: int | None = None, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Iterate Page objects from Special:PagesWithProp. .. seealso:: :api:`Pageswithprop` :param propname: must be a valid property. :param total: number of pages to return :return: return a generator of Page objects :rtype: iterator """ if propname not in self.get_property_names(): raise NotImplementedError( f'"{propname}" is not a valid page property') return self._generator(api.PageGenerator, type_arg='pageswithprop', gpwppropname=propname, total=total)
[docs] def watched_pages( self, force: bool = False, total: int | None = None, *, with_talkpage: bool = True, ) -> Iterable[pywikibot.Page]: """Return watchlist. .. note:: ``watched_pages`` is a restartable generator. See :class:`tools.collections.GeneratorWrapper` for its usage. .. seealso:: :api:`Watchlistraw` .. versionadded:: 8.1 the *with_talkpage* parameter. :param force: Reload watchlist :param total: if not None, limit the generator to yielding this many items in total :param with_talkpage: if false, ignore talk pages and special pages :return: generator of pages in watchlist """ def ignore_talkpages(page: -> bool: """Ignore talk pages and special pages.""" ns = page.namespace() return ns >= 0 and not page.namespace() % 2 expiry = None if force else pywikibot.config.API_config_expiry gen = api.PageGenerator(site=self, generator='watchlistraw', expiry=expiry) gen.set_maximum_items(total) if not with_talkpage: gen._namespaces = True gen._check_result_namespace = ignore_talkpages return gen