Source code for scripts.djvutext

#!/usr/bin/env python3
This bot uploads text from djvu files onto pages in the "Page" namespace.

It is intended to be used for Wikisource.

The following parameters are supported:

    -index:...     name of the index page (without the Index: prefix)
    -djvu:...      path to the djvu file, it shall be:
                   - path to a file name
                   - dir where a djvu file name as index is located
                   optional, by default is current dir '.'
                   Page range to upload;
                   optional, start=1, end=djvu file number of images.
                   Page ranges can be specified as:
                     A-B -> pages A until B
                     A-  -> pages A until number of images
                     A   -> just page A
                     -B  -> pages 1 until B

This script is a :py:obj:`ConfigParserBot <bot.ConfigParserBot>`.
The following options can be set within a settings file which is scripts.ini
by default:

    -summary:      custom edit summary.
                   Use quotes if edit summary contains spaces.
    -force         overwrites existing text
                   optional, default False
    -always        do not bother asking to confirm any of the changes.

# (C) Pywikibot team, 2008-2022
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations

import os.path

import pywikibot
from pywikibot import i18n
from import SingleSiteBot
from pywikibot.exceptions import NoPageError
from pywikibot.proofreadpage import ProofreadPage
from import DjVuFile

[docs] class DjVuTextBot(SingleSiteBot): """ A bot that uploads text-layer from djvu files to Page:namespace. Works only on sites with Proofread Page extension installed. .. versionchanged:: 7.0 CheckerBot is a ConfigParserBot """ update_options = { 'force': False, 'summary': '', } def __init__( self, djvu, index, pages: tuple | None = None, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Initializer. :param djvu: djvu from where to fetch the text layer :type djvu: DjVuFile object :param index: index page in the Index: namespace :type index: Page object :param pages: page interval to upload (start, end) """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self._djvu = djvu self._index = index self._prefix = self._index.title(with_ns=False) self._page_ns = if not pages: self._pages = (1, self._djvu.number_of_images()) else: self._pages = pages # Get edit summary message if it's empty. if not self.opt.summary: self.opt.summary = i18n.twtranslate(, 'djvutext-creating')
[docs] def page_number_gen(self): """Generate pages numbers from specified page intervals.""" last = 0 for start, end in sorted(self._pages): start = max(last, start) last = end + 1 yield from range(start, last)
@property def generator(self): """Generate pages from specified page interval.""" for page_number in self.page_number_gen(): title = f'{self._page_ns}:{self._prefix}/{page_number}' page = ProofreadPage(, title) page.page_number = page_number # remember page number in djvu file yield page
[docs] def treat(self, page) -> None: """Process one page.""" old_text = page.text # Overwrite body of the page with content from djvu page.body = self._djvu.get_page(page.page_number) new_text = page.text if page.exists() and not self.opt.force: 'Page {} already exists, not adding!\n' 'Use -force option to overwrite the output page.' .format(page)) else: self.userPut(page, old_text, new_text, summary=self.opt.summary)
[docs] def main(*args: str) -> None: """ Process command line arguments and invoke bot. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. :param args: command line arguments """ index = None djvu_path = '.' # default djvu file directory pages = '1-' options = {} # Parse command line arguments. local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args) for arg in local_args: opt, _, value = arg.partition(':') if opt == '-index': index = value elif opt == '-djvu': djvu_path = value elif opt == '-pages': pages = value elif opt == '-summary': options['summary'] = value elif opt in ('-force', '-always'): options[opt[1:]] = True else:'Unknown argument ' + arg) # index is mandatory. if not index:['-index']) return # If djvu_path is not a file, build djvu_path from dir+index. djvu_path = os.path.expanduser(djvu_path) djvu_path = os.path.abspath(djvu_path) if not os.path.exists(djvu_path): pywikibot.error('No such file or directory: ' + djvu_path) return if os.path.isdir(djvu_path): djvu_path = os.path.join(djvu_path, index) # Check the djvu file exists and, if so, create the DjVuFile wrapper. djvu = DjVuFile(djvu_path) if not djvu.has_text(): pywikibot.error(f'No text layer in djvu file {djvu.file}') return # Parse pages param. pages = pages.split(',') for i, page_interval in enumerate(pages): start, sep, end = page_interval.partition('-') start = int(start or 1) end = int(end or djvu.number_of_images()) if sep else start pages[i] = (start, end) site = pywikibot.Site() if not site.has_extension('ProofreadPage'): pywikibot.error(f'Site {site} must have ProofreadPage extension.') return index_page = pywikibot.Page(site, index, ns=site.proofread_index_ns) if not index_page.exists(): raise NoPageError(index)'uploading text from {djvu.file} to {index_page}') bot = DjVuTextBot(djvu, index_page, pages=pages, site=site, **options)
if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except Exception: pywikibot.exception('Fatal error:')