Source code for scripts.imagetransfer

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Script to copy images to Wikimedia Commons, or to another wiki.


    python imagetransfer {<pagename>|<generator>} [<options>]

The following parameters are supported:

  -interwiki        Look for images in pages found through interwiki links.

  -keepname         Keep the filename and do not verify description while

  -tolang:x         Copy the image to the wiki in code x

  -tofamily:y       Copy the image to a wiki in the family y

  -tosite:s         Copy the image to the given site like wikipedia:test

  -force_if_shared  Upload the file to the target, even if it exists on that
                    wiki's shared repo

  -asynchronous     Upload to stash.

  -chunk_size:n     Upload in chunks of n bytes.

  -file:z           Upload many files from textfile: [[Image:x]]

If pagename is an image description page, offers to copy the image to the
target site. If it is a normal page, it will offer to copy any of the images
used on that page, or if the -interwiki argument is used, any of the images
used on a page reachable via interwiki links.

# (C) Pywikibot team, 2004-2024
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations

import re
import sys

import pywikibot
from pywikibot import config, i18n, pagegenerators, textlib
from import ExistingPageBot, SingleSiteBot
from pywikibot.exceptions import IsRedirectPageError, NoPageError
from pywikibot.specialbots import UploadRobot

docuReplacements = {
    '&params;': pagegenerators.parameterHelp

nowCommonsTemplate = {
    'ar': '{{الآن كومنز|%s}}',
    'ary': '{{Now Commons|%s}}',
    'arz': '{{Now Commons|%s}}',
    'ckb': '{{لە کۆمنز بەردەستە|%s}}',
    'de': '{{NowCommons|%s}}',
    'fr': '{{Désormais sur Commons|%s}}',
    'en': '{{subst:ncd|Image:%s}}',
    'fa': '{{موجود در انبار|%s}}',
    'he': '{{גם בוויקישיתוף|%s}}',
    'hu': '{{azonnali-commons|Kép:%s}}',
    'ia': '{{OraInCommons|Imagine:%s}}',
    'it': '{{NowCommons unlink|%s}}',
    'ja': '{{NowCommons|Image:%s}}',
    'kk': '{{NowCommons|Image:%s}}',
    'li': '{{NowCommons|%s}}',
    'lt': '{{NowCommons|Image:%s}}',
    'nds-nl': '{{NoenCommons|File:%s}}',
    'nl': '{{NuCommons|Image:%s}}',
    'pl': '{{NowCommons|%s}}',
    'pt': '{{NowCommons|%s}}',
    'sr': '{{NowCommons|%s}}',
    'zh': '{{NowCommons|Image:%s}}',

# Translations for license templates.
# Must only be given when they are in fact different.
licenseTemplates = {
    ('wikipedia:ar', 'commons:commons'): {
        'رخصة جنو للوثائق الحرة': 'GFDL',
        'رخصة جنو للوثائق الحرة - شخصي': 'GFDL-self',
        'ملكية عامة': 'PD',
        'ملكية عامة - شخصي': 'PD-self',
        'ملكية عامة - فن': 'PD-Art',
        'ملكية عامة - الحكومة الأمريكية': 'PD-USGov',
    ('wikipedia:ckb', 'commons:commons'): {
        'PD-because': 'PD',
        'پاوانی گشتی-خۆ': 'PD-self',
        'مۆڵەتنامەی گنو بۆ بەڵگە ئازادەکان': 'GFDL',
        'مۆڵەتنامەی گنو بۆ بەڵگە ئازادەکان-خۆ': 'GFDL-self',
        'پاوانی گشتی-ئێران': 'PD-Iran',
        'PD-textlogo': 'PD-textlogo',
        'پاوانی گشتی-عێراق': 'PD-Iraq',
        'PD-UK': 'PD-UK',
        'پاوانی گشتی-ھابڵ': 'PD-Hubble',
        'پاوانی گشتی-ویلایەتە یەکگرتووەکان': 'PD-US',
        'Cc-by-sa-2.5': 'Cc-by-sa-2.5',
        'Cc-by-sa-3.0': 'Cc-by-3.0',
    ('wikipedia:de', 'commons:commons'): {
        'Bild-GFDL': 'GFDL',
        'Bild-GFDL-OpenGeoDB': 'GFDL-OpenGeoDB',
        'Bild-Innweb-Lizenz': 'Map-Austria-GNU',
        'Bild-PD': 'PD',
        'Bild-PD-alt': 'PD-old',
        'Bild-PD-Kunst': 'PD-Art',
        'Bild-PD-US': 'PD-USGov',
    ('wikipedia:fa', 'commons:commons'): {
        'مالکیت عمومی': 'PD',
        'مالکیت عمومی-خود': 'PD-self',
        'مجوز گنو': 'GFDL',
        'مجوز گنو-خود': 'GFDL-self',
        'نگاره قدیمی': 'PD-Iran',
        'نگاره نوشتاری': 'PD-textlogo',
        'نگاره عراقی': 'PD-Iraq',
        'نگاره بریتانیا': 'PD-UK',
        'نگاره هابل': 'PD-Hubble',
        'نگاره آمریکا': 'PD-US',
        'نگاره دولت آمریکا': 'PD-USGov',
        'کک-یاد-دو': 'Cc-by-2.0',
        'کک-یاد-حفظ-دونیم': 'Cc-by-sa-2.5',
        'کک-یاد-سه': 'Cc-by-3.0',
    ('wikipedia:fr', 'commons:commons'): {
        'Domaine public': 'PD'
    ('wikipedia:he', 'commons:commons'): {
        'שימוש חופשי': 'PD-self',
        'שימוש חופשי מוגן': 'Copyrighted free use',
        'שימוש חופשי מוגן בתנאי': 'Copyrighted free use provided that',
        'תמונה ישנה': 'PD-Israel',
        'ייחוס': 'Attribution',
        'לוגו ויקימדיה': 'Copyright by Wikimedia',
    ('wikipedia:hu', 'commons:commons'): {
        'Közkincs': 'PD',
        'Közkincs-régi': 'PD-old',
    ('wikipedia:pt', 'commons:commons'): {
        'Domínio público': 'PD',

[docs] class ImageTransferBot(SingleSiteBot, ExistingPageBot): """Image transfer bot.""" update_options = { 'ignore_warning': False, # not implemented yet 'interwiki': False, 'keepname': False, 'target': None, 'force_if_shared': False, 'asynchronous': False, 'chunk_size': 0, } def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Initializer. :keyword generator: the pages to work on :type generator: iterable :keyword target_site: Site to send image to, default none :type target_site: :keyword interwiki: Look for images in interwiki links, default false :type interwiki: boolean :keyword keepname: Keep the filename and do not verify description while replacing, default false :type keepname: boolean :keyword force_if_shared: Upload the file even if it's currently shared to the target site (e.g. when moving from Commons to another wiki) :type force_if_shared: boolean :keyword asynchronous: Upload to stash. :type asynchronous: boolean :keyword chunk_size: Upload in chunks of this size bytes. :type chunk_size: integer """ super().__init__(**kwargs) if is None: = else: = pywikibot.Site(
[docs] def transfer_image(self, sourceImagePage) -> None: """ Download image and its description, and upload it to another site. :return: the filename which was used to upload the image """ def delete_source(old_filename, target_filename): """Delete source image or tag nowCommons template to it. This function is called when upload to Commons was successful. """ if not target_filename \ or != 'commons:commons': return reason = i18n.twtranslate(sourceSite, 'imagetransfer-nowcommons_notice') # try to delete the original image if we have a sysop account if sourceSite.has_right('delete') \ and sourceImagePage.delete(reason): return if sourceSite.lang in nowCommonsTemplate \ and in config.usernames \ and sourceSite.lang in config.usernames[]: # add the nowCommons template.'Adding nowCommons template to ' + sourceImagePage.title()) sourceImagePage.put(sourceImagePage.get() + '\n\n' + nowCommonsTemplate[sourceSite.code] % target_filename, summary=reason) sourceSite = '\n>>> Transfer {source} from {} to {target}\n' .format(source=sourceImagePage, url = sourceImagePage.get_file_url()'URL should be: ' + url) # localize the text that should be printed on image description page try: description = sourceImagePage.get() # try to translate license templates if (sourceSite.sitename, in licenseTemplates: for old, new in licenseTemplates[ (sourceSite.sitename,].items(): new = '{{%s}}' % new old = re.compile('{{%s}}' % old) description = textlib.replaceExcept(description, old, new, ['comment', 'math', 'nowiki', 'pre']) description = i18n.twtranslate(, 'imagetransfer-file_page_message', {'site': sourceSite, 'description': description}) description += '\n\n' description += sourceImagePage.getFileVersionHistoryTable() # add interwiki link if == description += f'\n\n{sourceImagePage}' except NoPageError: 'Image does not exist or description page is empty.') except IsRedirectPageError:'Image description page is redirect.') else: bot = UploadRobot(url=url, description=description,, url_encoding=sourceSite.encoding(), keep_filename=self.opt.keepname, verify_description=not self.opt.keepname, ignore_warning=self.opt.ignore_warning, force_if_shared=self.opt.force_if_shared, asynchronous=self.opt.asynchronous, chunk_size=self.opt.chunk_size) bot.post_processor = delete_source
[docs] def show_image_list(self, imagelist) -> None: """Print image list."""'-' * 60) for i, image in enumerate(imagelist):'{i}. Found image: {image}') try: # Show the image description page's contents except NoPageError: pass else: # look if page already exists with this name. # TODO: consider removing this: a different image of the same # name may exist on the target wiki, and the bot user may want # to upload anyway, using another name. try: # Maybe the image is on the target site already targetTitle = 'File:' + image.title().split(':', 1)[1] targetImage = pywikibot.Page(, targetTitle) targetImage.get()'Image with this name is already on ' f'{}.')'-' * 60) sys.exit() except NoPageError: # That's the normal case pass except IsRedirectPageError: 'Description page on target wiki is redirect?!')'=' * 60)
[docs] def treat(self, page) -> None: """Treat a single page.""" if self.opt.interwiki: imagelist = [] for linkedPage in page.interwiki(): linkedPage = pywikibot.Page(linkedPage) imagelist.extend(linkedPage.imagelinks()) elif page.is_filepage(): imagePage = pywikibot.FilePage(, page.title()) imagelist = [imagePage] else: imagelist = list(page.imagelinks()) while imagelist: self.show_image_list(imagelist) if len(imagelist) == 1: # no need to query the user, only one possibility todo = 0 else:'Give the number of the image to transfer.') todo = pywikibot.input('To end uploading, press enter:') if not todo: break todo = int(todo) if 0 <= todo < len(imagelist): if self.transfer_allowed(imagelist[todo]): self.transfer_image(imagelist[todo]) # remove the selected image from the list imagelist.pop(todo) else:'<<yellow>>No such image number.')
[docs] def transfer_allowed(self, image) -> bool: """Check whether transfer is allowed.""" target_repo = if not self.opt.force_if_shared \ and image.file_is_shared() \ and == target_repo: f'<<yellow>>The image is already shared on {target_repo}.') return False return True
[docs] def main(*args: str) -> None: """ Process command line arguments and invoke bot. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. :param args: command line arguments """ target_code = None target_family = None options = {} local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args) generator_factory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory( positional_arg_name='page') for arg in local_args: opt, _, value = arg.partition(':') if opt in ('-ignore_warning', '-interwiki', '-keepname', '-force_if_shared', '-asynchronous'): options[opt[1:]] = True elif opt == '-tolang': target_code = value elif opt == '-tofamily': target_family = value elif opt == '-tosite': options['target'] = value elif opt == '-chunk_size': options['chunk_size'] = value else: generator_factory.handle_arg(arg) gen = generator_factory.getCombinedGenerator() if not gen: missing_parameters=['page'], additional_text='and no other generator was defined.') return if target_code or target_family: site = pywikibot.Site() options.setdefault('target', '{}:{}'.format(target_family or, target_code or site.lang)) bot = ImageTransferBot(generator=gen, **options)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()