MediaWiki Wikibase extension
▼NWikibase | Root namespace for the Wikibase extension |
►NClient | Root namespace for Client extension code |
►NApi | Client integration with MediaWiki's Action API |
CApiClientInfo | Provides url and path information for the associated Wikibase repo |
CApiFormatReference | An API module to format a serialized Wikibase reference into a human-readable text block |
CApiListEntityUsage | API module to get the usage of entities |
CApiPropsEntityUsage | API module to get the usage of entities |
CDescription | Provides a short description of the page in the content language |
CPageTerms | Provides wikibase terms (labels, descriptions, aliases, etc.) for local pages |
►NChangeModification | |
CChangeDeletionNotificationJob | Job for notifying a client wiki of a batch of revision deletions on the repository |
CChangeModificationNotificationJob | Base class for Jobs handling modifications to a set of client changes (identified by RepoRevisionIdentifiers) |
CChangeVisibilityNotificationJob | Job for notifying a client wiki of a batch of revision visibility changes on the repository |
►NChanges | Handling for EntityChanges from a Repo |
CAffectedPagesFinder | |
CChangeHandler | Interface for change handling |
CChangeRunCoalescer | A transformer for lists of EntityChanges that combines runs of changes into a single change |
CInjectRCRecordsJob | Job for injecting RecentChange records representing changes on the Wikibase repository |
CMergeFailedException | |
CPageUpdater | Service interface for triggering different kinds of page updates and generally notifying the local wiki of external changes |
CWikiPageUpdater | Service object for triggering different kinds of page updates and generally notifying the local wiki of external changes |
►NDataAccess | Accessing Repo data from a Client |
►NParserFunctions | Client data access implementations of MediaWiki's Parser functions |
CLanguageAwareRenderer | StatementGroupRenderer of the {{#property}} parser function |
CRunner | Runner for the {{#property|…}} and {{#statements|…}} parser functions |
CStatementGroupRenderer | Renderer for the {{#property}} parser function for rendering a Statement group |
CStatementGroupRendererFactory | |
CVariantsAwareRenderer | Handler of the {{#property}} parser function |
►NScribunto | Client integration with the Scribunto extension |
CCachingFallbackBasedTermLookup | This TermLookup allows exposes language based lookups for getLabel and getDescription and is backed by the shared TermFallbackCache which stores TermFallback objects |
CEntityAccessor | Functionality needed to expose Entities to Lua |
CLuaFunctionCallTracker | Helper for tracking accesses of Lua functions |
CSnakSerializationRenderer | Functionality needed to render snaks as provided through Lua |
CWikibaseEntityLibrary | Registers and defines functions to access Wikibase through the Scribunto extension |
CWikibaseLanguageDependentLuaBindings | Actual implementations of various functions to access Wikibase functionality through Scribunto |
CWikibaseLanguageIndependentLuaBindings | Actual implementations of various functions to access Wikibase functionality through Scribunto |
CWikibaseLibrary | Registers and defines functions to access Wikibase through the Scribunto extension |
CWikibaseLuaEntityBindings | Actual implementations of the functions to access Wikibase through the Scribunto extension |
CWikitextPreprocessingSnakFormatter | SnakFormatter decorator that preprocesses any Wikitext it produces |
CClientSiteLinkTitleLookup | A lookup that resolves a specific sitelink on a specific Item into a MediaWiki Title object |
CDataAccessSnakFormatterFactory | A factory for SnakFormatters in a client context, to be reused in different methods that "access repository data" from a client (typically parser functions and Lua scripts) |
CPropertyIdResolver | Resolves the NumericPropertyId for the input, which might be a property label or prefixed id |
CReferenceFormatterFactory | A factory for ReferenceFormatter s |
CSnaksFinder | Find Snaks for claims in a given Entity, based on NumericPropertyId |
CStatementTransclusionInteractor | Renders the main Snaks associated with a given Property on an Entity |
►NDataBridge | Root namespace for the Client component DataBridge |
CDataBridgeConfigValueProvider | |
CDataBridgeResourceLoaderModules | Dynamically registering data bridge resource loader modules in extension.json It should be deleted and moved to extension.json once the feature flag has been removed |
►NHooks | Client handling of MediaWiki's Hooks |
CBeforePageDisplayHandler | Adds CSS for the edit links sidebar link or JS to create a new item or to link with an existing one |
CChangesListLinesHandler | Handlers for hooks dealing with Wikibase changes in client recent changes and watchlists |
CChangesListSpecialPageHookHandler | |
CDataUpdateHookHandler | Hook handlers for triggering data updates |
CDeletePageNoticeCreator | Creates a notice about the Wikibase Item belonging to the current page after a delete (in case there's one) |
CDescriptionProviderHookHandler | Description Provider Hook Handler for Search Results |
CEchoNotificationsHandlers | Handlers for client Echo notifications |
CEchoSetupHookHandler | Handlers for hooks (e.g |
CEditActionHookHandler | Adds the Entity usage data in ActionEdit |
CExtensionLoadHandler | Do special hook registrations |
CInfoActionHookHandler | |
CLangLinkHandler | |
CLangLinkHandlerFactory | |
CLanguageLinkBadgeDisplay | Provides access to the badges of the current page's sitelinks and adds some properties to the HTML output to display them |
CLinkedDataSchemaGenerator | |
CLoadExtensionSchemaUpdatesHookHandler | Handler for the "LoadExtensionSchemaUpdates" hook |
CLoginFormValidErrorMessagesHandler | |
CMagicWordHookHandler | File defining hooks related to magic words |
CMovePageNotice | Gets a notice about the Wikibase Item belonging to the current page after a move (in case there's one) |
CNoLangLinkHandler | Handles the NOEXTERNALLANGLINKS parser function |
COtherProjectsSidebarGenerator | Outputs a sidebar section for other project links |
COtherProjectsSidebarGeneratorFactory | |
CParserFunctionRegistrant | |
CParserHookHandler | Handler for some Parser-related hooks |
CParserOutputUpdateHookHandler | |
CShortDescHandler | Handles the {{SHORTDESC:...}} parser function |
CSidebarHookHandler | Handler for ParserOutput-related hooks |
CSidebarLinkBadgeDisplay | Basic display logic to output badges in the sidebar |
CSiteLinksForDisplayLookup | Returns the site links to display in the navigation areas of the client UI |
CSkinAfterPortletHandler | Handler for the "SkinAfterPortlet" hook |
CTrivialHookHandler | Handler for “trivial” hooks: ones that don’t need any services injected, and whose code is fairly brief |
CUpdateRepoHookHandler | This class has a static interface for use with MediaWiki's hook mechanism; the static handler functions will create a new instance of UpdateRepoHookHandlers and then call the corresponding member function on that |
CWikibaseClientHookRunner | Handle Changes' hooks |
CWikibaseHandleChangeHook | |
CWikibaseHandleChangesHook | |
►NMaintenance | |
CPopulateUnexpectedUnconnectedPagePageProp | Maintenance script for populating or updating the 'unexpectedUnconnectedPage' page property |
►NNotifications | Client integration with the Echo extension |
CPageConnectionPresentationModel | Presentation model for Echo notifications |
►NParserOutput | ParserOutput integration for Client pages that use Repo entities |
CClientParserOutputDataUpdater | Update Wikibase ParserOutput properties and extension data |
CParserOutputProvider | |
CParserWrappingParserOutputProvider | |
CScopedParserOutputProvider | |
►NRecentChanges | Display of Repo changes on a Client RecentChanges page |
CChangeLineFormatter | Formats a changes line for including changes from the Wikibase repo in the client's recent changes, watchlist and related changes special pages |
CExternalChange | Represents an external change |
CExternalChangeFactory | |
CRecentChangeFactory | |
CRecentChangesFinder | |
CRevisionData | Represents a revision on a site |
CSiteLinkCommentCreator | Creates an array structure with comment information for storing in the rc_params column of the RecentChange table, for use in generating recent change comments for wikibase changes |
►NSerializer | |
CClientEntitySerializer | |
CClientSerializer | |
CClientStatementListSerializer | |
►NSpecials | Client integration with MediaWiki's Special pages |
CSpecialEntityUsage | A special page that lists client wiki pages that use a given entity ID from the repository, and which aspects each page uses |
CSpecialPagesWithBadges | Show a list of pages with a given badge |
CSpecialUnconnectedPages | List client pages that are not connected to repository items |
►NStore | |
►NSql | |
CBulkSubscriptionUpdater | Implements bulk updates for the repo's wb_changes_subscription table, based on the client's local wbc_entity_usage table |
CDirectSqlStore | Implementation of the client store interface using direct access to the repository's database via MediaWiki's foreign wiki mechanism as implemented by LBFactoryMulti |
CPagePropsEntityIdLookup | Lookup of EntityIds based on wikibase_item entries in the page_props table |
CUnexpectedUnconnectedPagePrimer | Maintenance helper which adds or updates the "unexpectedUnconnectedPage" page property for all relevant pages |
CAddUsagesForPageJob | Job for scheduled invocation of UsageUpdater::addUsagesForPage |
CClientStore | Client store interface |
CDescriptionLookup | Retrieves up page descriptions |
CUsageUpdater | Service for updating usage tracking and associated change subscription information |
►NUpdateRepo | Updates to a Repo after events on a Client |
CUpdateRepo | Provides logic to update the repo after certain changes have been performed in the client (like page moves) |
CUpdateRepoOnDelete | Provides logic to update the repo after page deletes in the client |
CUpdateRepoOnMove | Provides logic to update the repo after page moves in the client |
►NUsage | Tracking the usage of Repo entities on a Client (see |
►NSql | |
CEntityUsageTable | Helper class for updating the wbc_entity_usage table |
CEntityUsageTableBuilder | Implements initial population (priming) for the wbc_entity_usage table, based on "wikibase_item" entries in the page_props table |
CSqlSubscriptionManager | SubscriptionManager implementation backed by an SQL table |
CSqlUsageTracker | An SQL based usage tracker implementation |
CSqlUsageTrackerSchemaUpdater | Schema updater for SqlUsageTracker |
CEntityUsage | Value object representing the usage of an entity |
CEntityUsageFactory | Factory service for generating EntityUsage objects based on their identity strings |
CHashUsageAccumulator | This implementation of the UsageAccumulator interface simply wraps an array containing the usage information |
CImplicitDescriptionUsageLookup | A UsageLookup which decorates an inner lookup and adds an implicit usage on a linked item’s description |
CNullSubscriptionManager | No-op implementation of the SubscriptionManager and UsageLookup interfaces |
CNullUsageTracker | No-op implementation of the UsageTracker and UsageLookup interfaces |
CPageEntityUsages | Value object representing the entity usages on a single page |
CParserOutputUsageAccumulator | This implementation of the UsageAccumulator interface acts as a wrapper around a ParserOutput object |
CRedirectTrackingUsageAccumulator | |
CSubscriptionManager | Service interface for tracking subscriptions of clients to entity change events generated on the repo |
CUsageAccumulator | Interface and base class for objects accumulating usage tracking information for a given page |
CUsageAccumulatorFactory | |
CUsageAspectTransformer | Transforms usage aspect based on a filter of aspects relevant in some context |
CUsageDeduplicator | This class de-duplicates entity usages for performance and storage reasons |
CUsageLookup | Service interface looking up the usage of entities across pages on the local wiki |
CUsageTracker | Service interface for tracking the usage of entities across pages on the local wiki |
CUsageTrackingLanguageFallbackLabelDescriptionLookup | LanguageFallbackLabelDescriptionLookup decorator that records label usage in an UsageAccumulator |
CUsageTrackingSnakFormatter | SnakFormatter decorator that records entity usage |
CCachingOtherProjectsSitesProvider | Get a list of sites that should be displayed in the "Other projects" sidebar from cache or re-compute them |
CClientHooks | File defining the hook handlers for the Wikibase Client extension |
CEntityChangeNotificationJob | |
CMoreLikeWikibase | Wikibase extension for MoreLike feature |
CNamespaceChecker | Checks if a namespace in Wikibase Client shall have wikibase links, etc., based on settings |
COtherProjectsSitesGenerator | Generates a list of sites that should be displayed in the "Other projects" sidebar |
COtherProjectsSitesProvider | Provides a list of sites that should be displayed in the "Other projects" sidebar |
CPropertyLabelNotResolvedException | |
CRepoItemLinkGenerator | |
CRepoLinker | |
CWikibaseClient | Top level factory for the WikibaseClient extension |
►NDataAccess | Root namespace for DataAccess component code |
►NMediaWiki | |
CEntitySourceDocumentUrlProvider | |
►NSerializer | |
CForbiddenSerializer | Serializer to be used as a stand-in when no serialization is supported |
CAliasTermBuffer | AliasTermBuffer Interface, to be used alongside TermBuffer |
CApiEntitySource | |
CByTypeDispatchingEntityIdLookup | An EntityIdLookup that dispatches by Title content model to inner EntityIdLookups |
CByTypeDispatchingEntityPrefetcher | |
CByTypeDispatchingEntityRevisionLookup | An EntityRevisionLookup that dispatches by entity type to inner EntityRevisionLookups |
CDataAccessServices | An interface of a factory of data retrieval/lookup services |
CDataAccessSettings | Provides access to settings relevant for services in the data access component |
CDatabaseEntitySource | |
CEntitySource | An EntitySource includes information needed to interact with one or more entity types at a given source |
CEntitySourceDefinitions | A collection of EntitySource objects |
CEntitySourceDefinitionsConfigParser | TODO: alternatively, the logic could go to the "static constructor" of EntitySourceDefinitions class? |
CEntitySourceLookup | |
CMultipleEntitySourceServices | TODO this has been introduced into data-access with a couple of points that still bind to wikibase lib: |
CNullPrefetchingTermLookup | PrefetchingTermLookup implementation that does nothing |
CPrefetchingTermLookup | Interface for implementations of both TermLookup and TermBuffer |
CSingleEntitySourceServices | Collection of services for a single EntitySource |
CSingleEntitySourceServicesFactory | |
CSourceAndTypeDispatchingPrefetchingTermLookup | |
CWikibaseServices | Interface of the top-level container/factory of data access services |
►NDataModel | |
►NDeserializers | |
CAliasGroupListDeserializer | Package private |
CDeserializerFactory | Factory for constructing Deserializer objects that can deserialize WikibaseDataModel objects |
CEntityIdDeserializer | Package private |
CItemDeserializer | Package private |
CPropertyDeserializer | Package private |
CReferenceDeserializer | Package private |
CReferenceListDeserializer | Package private |
CSiteLinkDeserializer | Package private |
CSnakDeserializer | Package private |
CSnakListDeserializer | Package private |
CSnakValueDeserializer | |
CStatementDeserializer | Package private |
CStatementListDeserializer | Package private |
CTermDeserializer | Package private |
CTermListDeserializer | Package private |
►NEntity | |
CBasicEntityIdParser | Object that can parse the serializations of the EntityIds defined by the DataModel |
CClearableEntity | Interface for Entity objects that can be cleared |
CDispatchingEntityIdParser | |
CEntityDocument | Minimal interface for all objects that represent an entity |
CEntityId | |
CEntityIdParser | Interface for objects that can parse strings into EntityIds |
CEntityIdParsingException | |
CEntityIdValue | |
CEntityRedirect | Represents a redirect from one EntityId to another |
CInt32EntityId | Interface for EntityIds that can be converted to a positive, signed 32 bit integer in the range [1..2147483647], and back from the entity type and the number |
CItem | Represents a single Wikibase item |
CItemId | |
CItemIdParser | A trivial EntityIdParser that only parses the serializations of ItemIds |
CItemIdSet | Immutable set of ItemId objects |
CNumericPropertyId | |
CProperty | Represents a single Wikibase property |
CPropertyId | |
CSerializableEntityId | |
CStatementListProvidingEntity | Interface for EntityDocument objects that are also StatementListProviders |
►NException | |
CPropertyChangedException | |
CStatementGuidChangedException | |
CStatementNotFoundException | |
►NInternal | |
CMapValueHasher | Generates hashes for associative arrays based on the values of their elements |
►NSerializers | |
CAliasGroupListSerializer | Package private |
CAliasGroupSerializer | Package private |
CItemSerializer | Package private |
CMapSerializer | |
CPropertySerializer | Package private |
CReferenceListSerializer | Package private |
CReferenceSerializer | Package private |
CSerializerFactory | Factory for constructing Serializer objects that can serialize WikibaseDataModel objects |
CSiteLinkListSerializer | |
CSiteLinkSerializer | Package private |
CSnakListSerializer | Package private |
CSnakSerializer | Package private |
CStatementListSerializer | Package private |
CStatementSerializer | Package private |
CTermListSerializer | Package private |
CTermSerializer | Package private |
CTypedSnakSerializer | Package private |
►NServices | |
►NDataValue | |
CValuesFinder | Find all data values for a specified data type in an array of snaks |
►NDiff | |
►NInternal | |
CAliasGroupListPatcher | Package private |
CFingerprintPatcher | Package private |
CSiteLinkListPatcher | Package private |
CEntityDiff | Represents a diff between two entities |
CEntityDiffer | |
CEntityDifferStrategy | |
CEntityPatcher | |
CEntityPatcherStrategy | |
CEntityTypeAwareDiffOpFactory | Class for changes that can be represented as a Diff |
CItemDiff | Represents a diff between two Item instances |
CItemDiffer | |
CItemPatcher | |
CPropertyDiffer | |
CPropertyPatcher | |
CStatementListDiffer | |
CStatementListPatcher | |
CTermListPatcher | |
►NEntity | |
CEntityPrefetcher | A service interface for prefetching entities or data about them in order to make subsequent loading of them faster |
CNullEntityPrefetcher | No-op EntityPrefetcher |
CPropertyDataTypeMatcher | Check if a PropertyId is for a Property with a specific data type |
►NEntityId | |
CEntityIdComposer | Constructs EntityId objects from entity type identifiers and unique parts of entity ID serializations |
CEntityIdFormatter | |
CEntityIdLabelFormatter | |
CEntityIdPager | A cursor for paging through EntityIds |
CEscapingEntityIdFormatter | EscapingEntityIdFormatter wraps another EntityIdFormatter and applies a transformation (escaping) to that formatter's output |
CInMemoryEntityIdPager | The position markers are implementation dependent and are not interchangeable between different implementations |
CPlainEntityIdFormatter | |
CSeekableEntityIdPager | The position markers are implementation dependent and are not interchangeable between different implementations |
CSuffixEntityIdParser | EntityIdParser that strips a fixed prefix and parses the remaining suffix as an EntityId |
►NLookup | |
CDisabledEntityTypesEntityLookup | EntityLookup that checks entities have been loaded through it and throws an exception if the accessing to that entity type is disabled |
CEntityAccessLimitException | |
CEntityLookup | Service interface for retrieving Entities from storage |
CEntityLookupException | |
CEntityRedirectLookup | Service interface for retrieving information about entity redirects |
CEntityRedirectLookupException | |
CEntityRedirectTargetLookup | Service interface for looking up an Entity's redirect target id |
CEntityRetrievingClosestReferencedEntityIdLookup | Service for getting the closest entity (out of a specified set), from a given starting entity |
CEntityRetrievingDataTypeLookup | PropertyDataTypeLookup that uses an EntityLookup to find a property's data type ID |
CEntityRetrievingTermLookup | |
CExceptionIgnoringEntityLookup | An EntityLookup which ignores any exceptions which occur while retrieving an entity and instead pretends the entity does not exist |
CFallbackLabelDescriptionLookup | A LabelDescriptionLookup that is guaranteed to return TermFallback s, not merely Term s |
CInMemoryDataTypeLookup | PropertyDataTypeLookup that uses an in memory array to retrieve the requested information |
CInMemoryEntityLookup | EntityLookup that uses an in memory array to retrieve the requested information |
CInProcessCachingDataTypeLookup | PropertyDataTypeLookup that provides in-process caching |
CItemLookup | |
CItemLookupException | |
CLabelDescriptionLookup | Looks up the label or description of an entity |
CLabelDescriptionLookupException | |
CLabelLookup | Looks up the label of an entity |
CLanguageLabelDescriptionLookup | |
CLegacyAdapterItemLookup | ItemLookup implementation providing a migration path away from the EntityLookup interface |
CLegacyAdapterPropertyLookup | PropertyLookup implementation providing a migration path away from the EntityLookup interface |
CMaxReferencedEntityVisitsExhaustedException | |
CMaxReferenceDepthExhaustedException | |
CPropertyDataTypeLookup | |
CPropertyDataTypeLookupException | |
CPropertyLookup | |
CPropertyLookupException | |
CRedirectResolvingEntityLookup | Implementation of EntityLookup that opaquely resolves one level of redirects when looking up entities |
CReferencedEntityIdLookup | Service interface for getting a referenced entity (out of a specified set), from a given starting entity |
CReferencedEntityIdLookupException | |
CRestrictedEntityLookup | EntityLookup that counts how many entities have been loaded through it and throws an exception once to many entities have been loaded |
CRestrictedEntityLookupFactory | Factory class for creating RestrictedEntityLookup instances associated with a given Parser object |
CTermLookup | A service interface for looking up entity terms |
CTermLookupException | |
CUnknownForeignRepositoryException | |
CUnresolvedEntityRedirectException | Exception indicating that an attempt was made to access a redirected EntityId without resolving the redirect first |
►NStatement | |
►NFilter | |
CDataTypeStatementFilter | A filter that only accepts statements with specific property data types, and rejects all other property data types |
CNullStatementFilter | An unconditional statement filter that always accepts all statements, and never rejects a statement |
CPropertySetStatementFilter | A filter that only accepts statements with specific property ids, and rejects all other properties |
►NGrouper | |
CByPropertyIdStatementGrouper | |
CFilteringStatementGrouper | |
CNullStatementGrouper | An unconditional statement grouper that always returns a single group, containing the original, unmodified list of statements, and nothing else |
CStatementGrouper | |
CGuidGenerator | |
CStatementGuidParser | A parser capable of splitting a statement id into the entity id of the entity the statement belongs to, and the randomly generated global unique identifier (GUID) |
CStatementGuidParsingException | |
CStatementGuidValidator | |
CV4GuidGenerator | Globally Unique Identifier generator |
►NTerm | |
CItemTermStoreWriter | |
CPropertyLabelResolver | Resolves property labels (which are unique per language) into entity IDs |
CPropertyTermStoreWriter | |
CTermBuffer | A service interface for buffering terms |
CTermStoreException | |
CByPropertyIdGrouper | Groups property id providers by their property id |
►NSnak | |
CDerivedPropertyValueSnak | PropertyValueSnak with with derived values attached |
CPropertyNoValueSnak | Class representing a property no value snak |
CPropertySomeValueSnak | Class representing a property some value snak |
CPropertyValueSnak | Class representing a property value snak |
CSnak | Interface for objects that represent a single Wikibase snak |
CSnakList | List of Snak objects |
CSnakObject | Base class for snaks |
CSnakRole | Enum with snak roles |
CTypedSnak | |
►NStatement | |
CReferencedStatementFilter | A filter that only accepts statements with one or more references, and rejects all unreferenced statements |
CStatement | Class representing a Wikibase statement |
CStatementByGuidMap | Ordered and unique collection of Statement objects |
CStatementFilter | |
CStatementGuid | Immutable value object for a statement id |
CStatementList | Ordered and non-unique collection of Statement objects |
CStatementListHolder | Interface for classes that contain a StatementList |
CStatementListProvider | Common interface for classes (typically Entities) that contain a StatementList |
►NTerm | |
CAliasesProvider | Common interface for classes (typically Entities) that contain an AliasGroupList |
CAliasGroup | Ordered set of aliases |
CAliasGroupFallback | Ordered set of aliases resulting from language fall back |
CAliasGroupList | Unordered list of AliasGroup objects |
CDescriptionsProvider | Common interface for classes (typically Entities) that contain a TermList, representing descriptions |
CFingerprint | A container for all labels, all descriptions and all aliases (in all languages) of entities that support all three term types |
CFingerprintProvider | Common interface for classes (typically Entities) that contain a Fingerprint |
CLabelsProvider | Common interface for classes (typically Entities) that contain a TermList, representing labels |
CTerm | Immutable value object |
CTermFallback | Immutable value object |
CTermList | Unordered list of Term objects |
CTermTypes | Term types used on Items and Properties |
CByPropertyIdArray | Helper for managing objects indexed by property id |
CLegacyIdInterpreter | Turns legacy entity id serializations consisting of entity type + numeric id into present day EntityId implementations |
CPropertyIdProvider | Interface for objects containing a property id |
CReference | Object that represents a single Wikibase reference |
CReferenceList | List of Reference objects |
CSiteLink | Immutable value object representing a link to a page on another site |
CSiteLinkList | Unordered collection of SiteLink objects |
►NInternalSerialization | |
►NDeserializers | |
CEntityDeserializer | |
CLegacyEntityDeserializer | |
CLegacyEntityIdDeserializer | |
CLegacyFingerprintDeserializer | |
CLegacyItemDeserializer | |
CLegacyPropertyDeserializer | |
CLegacySiteLinkListDeserializer | |
CLegacySnakDeserializer | |
CLegacySnakListDeserializer | |
CLegacyStatementDeserializer | |
CStatementDeserializer | |
CDeserializerFactory | Public interface of the library for constructing deserializers |
CLegacyDeserializerFactory | Factory for constructing deserializers that implement handling for the legacy format |
CSerializerFactory | Public interface of the library for constructing serializers |
►NLib | Root namespace for Lib extension code |
►NChanges | |
CChange | Interface for objects representing changes |
CChangeRow | Class representing a single change (ie a row in the wb_changes) |
CChangeStore | Service interface for recording changes |
CDiffChange | Class for changes that can be represented as a Diff |
CEntityChange | Represents a change for an entity; to be extended by various change subtypes |
CEntityChangeFactory | |
CEntityDiffChangedAspects | This class holds a very compact and simple representation of an Entity diff for propagating repo changes to clients (T113468) |
CEntityDiffChangedAspectsFactory | |
CItemChange | |
CRepoRevisionIdentifier | Class identifying a repo change so that relevant entries can be easily found in a client's recentchanges table |
CRepoRevisionIdentifierFactory | Factory for RepoRevisionIdentifier objects |
►NDataValue | |
CUnmappedEntityIdValue | |
►NFederatedProperties | |
CFederatedPropertyId | |
►NFormatters | |
►NReference | |
CByCertainPropertyIdGrouper | A list of snaks, grouped by a certain set of properties, with all snaks of other properties in one “other” group |
CDataBridgeReferenceFormatter | |
CReferenceFormatter | A service to format a Reference into a block of Wikitext |
CWellKnownReferenceProperties | A container for a set of property IDs for certain well-known roles |
CAutoCommentFormatter | Formatter for machine-readable autocomments as generated by SummaryFormatter in the repo |
CBinaryOptionDispatchingSnakFormatter | Dispatching snak formatter that makes it possible to special case certain Snaks based on the associated property's data type |
CCachingKartographerEmbeddingHandler | Service for embedding Kartographer mapframes for GlobeCoordinateValues |
CCommonsInlineImageFormatter | Formats the StringValue from a "commonsMedia" snak as a HTML thumbnail and a link to commons |
CCommonsLinkFormatter | Formats the StringValue from a "commonsMedia" snak as an HTML link pointing to the file description page on Wikimedia Commons |
CCommonsThumbnailFormatter | A rich wikitext formatter for values of the "commonsMedia" property type |
CDispatchingEntityIdHtmlLinkFormatter | DispatchingEntityIdHtmlLinkFormatter is a formatter for EntityId Html Links |
CDispatchingSnakFormatter | DispatchingSnakFormatter will format a Snak by delegating the formatting to an appropriate SnakFormatter based on the snak type or the associated property's data type |
CDispatchingValueFormatter | DispatchingValueFormatter is a formatter for DataValues |
CEntityIdLinkFormatter | Formats entity IDs by generating a wiki link to the corresponding page title with the id serialization as text |
CEntityIdPlainLinkFormatter | Formats entity IDs by generating a wiki link to the corresponding page title without display text |
CEntityIdSiteLinkFormatter | A formatter for exclusive use on client wikis |
CEntityIdTitleFormatter | Formats entity IDs by generating the corresponding page title |
CEntityIdValueFormatter | A simple wrapper that forwards formatting of an EntityIdValue object to an EntityIdFormatter |
CErrorHandlingSnakFormatter | Decorator for SnakFormatter that handles PropertyDataTypeLookupException and MismatchingDataValueTypeException by placing the appropriate warning in the snakFormatter's output |
CEscapingSnakFormatter | EscapingSnakFormatter wraps another SnakFormatter and applies a transformation (escaping) to that formatter's output |
CEscapingValueFormatter | EscapingValueFormatter wraps another ValueFormatter and applies a transformation (escaping) to that formatter's output |
CFormatterLabelDescriptionLookupFactory | Factory for LabelDescriptionLookup objects based on FormatterOptions |
CGlobeCoordinateDetailsFormatter | Formatter for rendering the details of a GlobeCoordinateValue (most useful for diffs) in HTML |
CGlobeCoordinateInlineWikitextKartographerFormatter | |
CGlobeCoordinateKartographerFormatter | Formatter for rendering GlobeCoordinateValue via the Kartographer extensions |
CHtmlExternalIdentifierFormatter | A formatter for PropertyValueSnaks that contain a StringValue that is interpreted as an external identifier |
CHtmlTimeFormatter | A value formatter that creates a basic, single-line HTML representation of a TimeValue's date, time and calendar model |
CHtmlUrlFormatter | Formats the StringValue from a "url" snak as an HTML link pointing to that URL |
CInterWikiLinkHtmlFormatter | Formats the StringValue from a snak as an HTML link |
CInterWikiLinkWikitextFormatter | Formats the StringValue from a snak as an Wikitext link |
CItemPropertyIdHtmlLinkFormatter | Formats entity IDs by generating an HTML link to the corresponding page title |
CLabelsProviderEntityIdHtmlLinkFormatter | Formats entity IDs by generating an HTML link to the corresponding page title |
CMediaWikiNumberLocalizer | Localizes a numeric string using MediaWiki's Language class |
CMessageSnakFormatter | MessageSnakFormatter returns the same (localized) message for all snaks |
CMonolingualHtmlFormatter | |
CMonolingualTextFormatter | |
CMonolingualWikitextFormatter | |
CMwTimeIsoFormatter | |
CNonExistingEntityIdHtmlBrokenLinkFormatter | |
CNonExistingEntityIdHtmlFormatter | Formats entity IDs by generating HTML for when the entity ID does not exist |
CNonExistingEntityIdHtmlFormatterLinker | |
CNumberLocalizerFactory | |
COutputFormatSnakFormatterFactory | Factory service for obtaining a SnakFormatter for a desired output format |
COutputFormatValueFormatterFactory | Factory for ValueFormatters, based on factory callbacks |
CPlaintextTimeFormatter | A value formatter that formats a time value as plain text, including the calendar model if necessary or specified by the formatter options |
CPropertyValueSnakFormatter | PropertyValueSnakFormatter is a formatter for PropertyValueSnaks |
CQuantityDetailsFormatter | Formatter for rendering the details of a QuantityValue (most useful for diffs) in HTML |
CShowCalendarModelDecider | A helper class for time value formatters, deciding whether the calendar model should be shown or not |
CSnakFormat | Helper for handling SnakFormatter output formats |
CSnakFormatter | SnakFormatter is an interface for services that render Snaks to a specific output format |
CTimeDetailsFormatter | Formatter for rendering the details of a TimeValue (most useful for diffs) in HTML |
CTypedValueFormatter | Provides a string representation for a DataValue given its associated DataType |
CUnDeserializableValueFormatter | A ValueFormatter for UnDeserializableValue objects |
CUnknownTypeEntityIdHtmlLinkFormatter | An EntityIdHtmlLinkFormatter for entity types without a configured entity-id-html-link-formatter-callback |
CUnmappedEntityIdValueFormatter | |
CVocabularyUriFormatter | A dedicated formatter for concept URIs referring to entities on a vocabulary repository |
CWikibaseSnakFormatterBuilders | Low level factory for SnakFormatters for well known data types |
CWikibaseValueFormatterBuilders | Low level factory for ValueFormatters for well known data types |
CWikitextExternalIdentifierFormatter | A formatter for PropertyValueSnaks that contain a StringValue that is interpreted as an external identifier |
►NInteractors | Various random 'Interactors' that do 'things' (ill defined) |
CConfigurableTermSearchInteractor | Interface for TermSearchInteractors that can be configured using TermSearchOptions |
CMatchingTermsLookupSearchInteractor | |
CMatchingTermsSearchInteractorFactory | Class creating TermIndexSearchInteractor instances configured for the particular display language |
CTermSearchInteractor | Interface for searching for terms |
CTermSearchInteractorFactory | Interface for factories creating TermSearchInteractor instances configured for the particular display language |
CTermSearchOptions | |
CTermSearchResult | |
►NMaintenance | |
CPopulateSitesTable | Maintenance script for populating the Sites table from another wiki that runs the SiteMatrix extension |
►NModules | |
CCurrentSiteModule | |
CDataTypesModule | Resource loader module for defining resources that will create a MW config var in JavaScript holding information about all data types known to a given DataTypeFactory |
CMediaWikiConfigModule | Generic, reusable ResourceLoader module to set a JavaScript configuration variable via mw.config.set |
CMediaWikiConfigValueProvider | Provider to pass information to mw.config |
CPropertyValueExpertsModule | Module exporting map from property type to expert module name handling this type |
CRepoAccessModule | JavaScript variables needed to access the repo independent from the current working wiki |
CSettingsValueProvider | |
CSitesModule | |
CSitesModuleBase | |
►NNormalization | |
CCompositeDataValueNormalizer | A data value normalizer applying a list of other normalizations in order |
CDataValueNormalizer | A service to create normalized versions of data values |
CReferenceNormalizer | |
CSnakNormalizer | |
CStatementNormalizer | |
CStringValueNormalizer | |
►NParserFunctions | Lib implementations of MediaWiki's Parser functions |
CCommaSeparatedList | Class definition for the CommaSeparatedList parser function |
►NRdbms | |
CClientDomainDb | A DomainDb to access a client wiki |
CClientDomainDbFactory | |
CDomainDb | Encapsulation of access to MediaWiki DB related functionality that is commonly used in Wikibase |
CReplicationWaiter | |
CRepoDomainDb | A DomainDb to access a repo wiki |
CRepoDomainDbFactory | |
CRepoDomainTermsDb | Accesses terms (labels, descriptions, aliases) database tables via RepoDomainDb |
CTermsDomainDb | Database abstraction to access terms (labels, descriptions, aliases) database tables created by the WikibaseRepository extension |
CTermsDomainDbFactory | |
►NReporting | Handling and reporting exceptions |
CExceptionHandler | Interface for objects that can handle exceptions |
CLogWarningExceptionHandler | LogWarningExceptionHandler logs exceptions via wfLogWarning |
CReportingExceptionHandler | ReportingExceptionHandler reports exceptions to a MessageReporter |
CRethrowingExceptionHandler | RethrowingExceptionHandler handles exceptions by re-throwing them |
►NSerialization | |
CCallbackFactory | |
CSerializationModifier | Class which can be used to easily modify serializations and arrays |
►NSites | Management of a the MediaWiki SiteStore |
CSiteMatrixParser | Translates api sitematrix results json into an array of Site objects |
CSitesBuilder | Builds the site identifiers table |
►NStore | |
►NSql | |
►NTerms | |
►NUtil | |
CReplicaPrimaryAwareRecordIdsAcquirer | Allows acquiring ids of records in database table, by inspecting a given read-only replica database to initially find existing records with their ids, and insert non-existing records into a read-write primary database and getting those ids as well from the primary database after insertion |
CCachedDatabasePropertyLabelResolver | Resolves and caches property labels (which are unique per language) into entity IDs through DatabaseTermIdsResolver api |
CCleanTermsIfUnusedJob | A job to cleanup the wbt_* terms table rows when they may not be needed any more |
CDatabaseInnerTermStoreCleaner | Cleans up the normalized term store after some terms are no longer needed |
CDatabaseItemTermStoreWriter | ItemTermStoreWriter implementation for the 2019 SQL based secondary item term storage |
CDatabaseMatchingTermsLookup | MatchingTermsLookup implementation in the new term store |
CDatabasePropertyTermStoreWriter | PropertyTermStoreWriter implementation for the 2019 SQL based secondary property term storage |
CDatabaseTermInLangIdsAcquirer | A TermInLangIdsAcquirer implementation using the database tables wbt_term_in_lang, wbt_text_in_lang, and wbt_text |
CDatabaseTermInLangIdsResolver | Term in lang ID resolver using the normalized database schema |
CDatabaseTermStoreWriterBase | Base class for item/property TermStoreWriters |
CDatabaseUsageCheckingTermStoreCleaner | |
CInMemoryTermStore | |
CNormalizedTermStorageMapping | Helper for mapping columns names of item/property in term storage |
CPrefetchingEntityTermLookupBase | Base class for a PrefetchingTermLookup that only supports a single entity type, using the new, normalized schema (starting at wbt_item_terms/wbt_property_terms) |
CPrefetchingItemTermLookup | A PrefetchingTermLookup that only supports items, using the new, normalized schema (starting at wbt_item_terms) |
CPrefetchingPropertyTermLookup | A PrefetchingTermLookup that only supports properties, using the new, normalized schema (starting at wbt_property_terms) |
CTermInLangIdsAcquirer | Consumers acquire ids for stored terms to be used to link entities to these terms |
CTermInLangIdsResolver | A service to turn term in lang IDs into terms, the inverse of TermInLangIdsAcquirer |
CTermInLangIdsResolverFactory | |
CTermStoreCleaner | Interface for deleting IDs acquired from a TermInLangIdsAcquirer , including any further cleanup if necessary |
CTermStoreWriterFactory | Factory for creating writer objects relating to the 2019 SQL based terms storage |
CTermTypeIds | |
CEntityChangeLookup | Allows accessing changes stored in a database |
CEntityChangeSelectQueryBuilder | Only for use in EntityChangeLookup |
CEntityIdLocalPartPageTableEntityQuery | PageTableEntityQuery that assumes the entity IDs "localPart" matches page_title of the page that the entity is stored on |
CPageTableEntityQuery | Interface to run a query to find an entity of given ID within the mediawiki page table and also map resulting rows back to the entity IDs they relate to |
CPageTableEntityQueryBase | Abstract PageTableEntityQuery implementation allowing simple mapping between rows and entity IDs using one or more fields and some simple logic |
CPrefetchingWikiPageEntityMetaDataAccessor | A WikiPageEntityMetaDataAccessor decorator that implements prefetching and caching |
CPropertyInfoTable | Class PropertyInfoTable implements PropertyInfoStore on top of an SQL table |
CSiteLinkTable | Represents a lookup database table for sitelinks |
CSqlChangeStore | |
CTypeDispatchingWikiPageEntityMetaDataAccessor | Accessor that can dispatch to internal Accessors based on the entity type of IDs provided |
CWikiPageEntityDataLoader | |
CWikiPageEntityMetaDataAccessor | Interface for services giving access to meta data about one or more entities as needed for loading entities from WikiPages (via Revision) or to verify an entity against page.page_latest |
CWikiPageEntityMetaDataLookup | Service for looking up meta data about one or more entities as needed for loading entities from WikiPages (via Revision) or to verify an entity against page.page_latest |
CWikiPageEntityRevisionLookup | Implements an entity repo based on blobs stored in wiki pages on a locally reachable database server |
CAbstractTermPropertyLabelResolver | Resolves property labels (which are unique per language) into entity IDs, uses in-process caching |
CBadRevisionException | |
CCacheAwarePropertyInfoStore | Implementation of PropertyInfoStore wrapping the instance modifying the local PropertyInfoStore and adjusting the property info cache accordingly |
CCacheRetrievingEntityRevisionLookup | EntityRevisionLookup implementation that checks an EntityRevisionCache for cached revisions (but doesn't cache on its own) |
CCachingEntityRevisionLookup | Implementation of EntityLookup that caches the obtained entities |
CCachingFallbackLabelDescriptionLookup | Wraps another label description lookup to resolve redirects and add caching |
CCachingItemOrderProvider | ItemOrderProvider implementation, that caches the information |
CCachingPrefetchingTermLookup | Prefetches terms from the Cache or via the provided PrefetchingTermLookup if not cached |
CCachingPropertyInfoLookup | Class CachingPropertyInfoLookup is an implementation of PropertyInfoLookup that maintains a cached copy of the property info |
CCachingPropertyOrderProvider | PropertyOrderProvider implementation, that caches the information |
CCachingSiteLinkLookup | SiteLinkLookup implementation that caches the obtained data (except for data obtained via "getLinks") |
CDispatchingFallbackLabelDescriptionLookup | A FallbackLabelDescriptionLookup that dispatches between two other lookups, using one for federated property IDs and one for everything else |
CDivergingEntityIdException | |
CEntityArticleIdLookup | |
CEntityArticleIdNullLookup | An EntityArticleIdLookup that always returns NULL |
CEntityByLinkedTitleLookup | Service interface to find Entities by a (somehow) linked page title that is not identical to the page where the entity is stored |
CEntityContentDataCodec | A codec for use by EntityContent resp EntityHandler subclasses for the serialization and deserialization of EntityContent objects |
CEntityContentTooBigException | |
CEntityExistenceChecker | |
CEntityIdLookup | Service interface for looking up EntityIds given local wiki pages |
CEntityLinkTargetEntityIdLookup | |
CEntityNamespaceLookup | Utility functions for Wikibase namespaces |
CEntityRedirectChecker | |
CEntityRevision | An EntityRevision contains a specific revision of an EntityDocument |
CEntityRevisionCache | Service for caching the latest EntityRevision of an Entity |
CEntityRevisionLookup | Service interface for retrieving EntityRevisions from storage |
CEntityStore | Storage interface for Entities |
CEntityStoreWatcher | Watcher interface for watching an EntityStore |
CEntityTermLookupBase | |
CEntityTermStoreWriter | |
CEntityTitleLookup | Represents an arbitrary mapping from entity IDs to wiki page titles, with no further guarantees given |
CEntityTitleTextLookup | |
CEntityUrlLookup | |
CFallbackLabelDescriptionLookup | A LabelDescriptionLookup that is guaranteed to return TermFallback s, not merely Term s |
CFallbackLabelDescriptionLookupFactory | Factory to create a FallbackLabelDescriptionLookup that also resolves redirects |
CFallbackPropertyOrderProvider | PropertyOrderProvider that uses one of two given providers: It first tries the primary provider and, if that has no data, resorts to the secondary provider |
CFieldPropertyInfoProvider | PropertyInfoProvider implementation based on a specific field in the array returned by a PropertyInfoLookup |
CHashSiteLinkStore | An array based dummy implementation of a SiteLinkStore for exclusive use in tests |
CHttpUrlPropertyOrderProvider | PropertyOrderProvider that retrieves the order from a http(s) URL |
CInconsistentRedirectException | |
CItemOrderProvider | Interface that contains method for the ItemOrderProvider |
CItemOrderProviderException | |
CItemTermStoreWriterAdapter | Adapter turning an ItemTermStoreWriter into an EntityTermStoreWriter |
CLanguageFallbackLabelDescriptionLookup | A lookup for labels and descriptions in a given language |
CLatestRevisionIdResult | Represents result of \Wikibase\Lib\Store\EntityRevisionLookup::getLatestRevisionId method call |
CLinkTargetEntityIdLookup | This lookup should be able to deal with LinkTargets that: |
CLookupConstants | Constants used for looking up entities |
CMatchingTermsLookup | Methods helping search interactors from a term store |
CMatchingTermsLookupFactory | |
CMultiPropertyTermStoreWriter | A PropertyTermStoreWriter wrapping several other PropertyTermStoreWriter s |
CNullEntityTermStoreWriter | |
CPropertyInfoLookup | |
CPropertyInfoProvider | Service for providing a specific information about properties |
CPropertyInfoStore | |
CPropertyOrderProvider | Interface that contains method for the PropertyOrderProvider |
CPropertyOrderProviderException | |
CPropertyTermStoreWriterAdapter | Adapter turning a PropertyTermStoreWriter into an EntityTermStoreWriter |
CRedirectResolvingLatestRevisionLookup | |
CRedirectRevision | Represents a revision of a Wikibase redirect |
CRevisionBasedEntityLookup | An implementation of EntityLookup based on an EntityRevisionLookup |
CRevisionBasedEntityRedirectTargetLookup | |
CRevisionedUnresolvedRedirectException | Exception indicating that an attempt was made to access a redirected EntityId without resolving the redirect first |
CSiteLinkLookup | Contains methods to lookup of sitelinks of lookup by sitelinks |
CSiteLinkStore | Contains methods for write actions on the sitelink store |
CSourceAndTypeDispatchingArticleIdLookup | |
CSourceAndTypeDispatchingExistenceChecker | |
CSourceAndTypeDispatchingRedirectChecker | |
CSourceAndTypeDispatchingTitleTextLookup | |
CSourceAndTypeDispatchingUrlLookup | |
CStorageException | |
CTermIndexSearchCriteria | Object representing search criteria while performing a search in the term store (formerly known as the term index) |
CThrowingEntityTermStoreWriter | Sometimes we need an EntityTermStoreWriter that is not expected to be called |
CTitleLookupBasedEntityArticleIdLookup | |
CTitleLookupBasedEntityExistenceChecker | |
CTitleLookupBasedEntityRedirectChecker | |
CTitleLookupBasedEntityTitleTextLookup | |
CTitleLookupBasedEntityUrlLookup | |
CTypeDispatchingEntityRevisionLookup | An EntityRevisionLookup that does dispatching based on the entity type |
CTypeDispatchingEntityStore | An EntityStore that does dispatching based on the entity type |
CWikiPageItemOrderProvider | Base class for ItemOrderProviders, that parse the item order from a wikitext page |
CWikiPagePropertyOrderProvider | Provides a list of ordered Property numbers |
CWikiTextPropertyOrderProvider | Base class for PropertyOrderProviders, that parse the property order from a wikitext page |
►NTermFallbackCache | |
CTermFallbackCacheFacade | TermFallbackCacheFacade is class to allow for simplified interaction with the shared cache used for storing TermFallback objects (also known as the term fallback cache or formatter cache) |
CTermFallbackCacheServiceFactory | |
►NUnits | |
CBaseUnitStorage | Basic unit storage functionality |
CCSVUnitStorage | CSV-based unit conversion storage |
CInMemoryUnitStorage | Array-based static unit storage |
CJsonUnitStorage | JSON based unit conversion storage |
CUnitConverter | Convert quantities to other units |
CUnitStorage | Storage interface for Unit conversion information |
CCacheInvalidArgumentException | |
CContentLanguages | A list of languages supported as content language |
CDataType | |
CDataTypeDefinitions | Service that manages property data type definition |
CDataTypeFactory | |
CDataValueFactory | |
CDifferenceContentLanguages | Provide languages supported as content languages by removing values in one ContentLanguages from another ContentLanguages |
CEntityFactory | Factory for new, empty Entity objects |
CEntitySourceAndTypeDefinitions | |
CEntityTypeDefinitions | Service that manages entity type definition |
CFormatableSummary | Interface for consumers (typically a formatter) of auto-generated edit summary lines that describe edits made on Wikibase entities |
CLanguageFallbackChainFactory | Object creating TermLanguageFallbackChain objects in Wikibase |
CLanguageFallbackIndicator | Generates HTML (usually a 'sup' element) to make the actual and source languages of terms (typically labels and descriptions) that are the result of a language fallback chain and/or transliteration visible to the user |
CLanguageNameLookup | Service for looking up language names based on MediaWiki's Language class |
CLanguageNameLookupFactory | |
CLanguageWithConversion | Object representing either a verbatim language or a converted language |
CLibHooks | File defining the hook handlers for the WikibaseLib extension |
CMediaWikiContentLanguages | Provide languages supported as content languages based on MediaWiki's LanguageNameUtils |
CMediaWikiMessageInLanguageProvider | |
CMessageException | |
CMessageInLanguageProvider | A provider for messages in a particular language |
CPropertyInfoDataTypeLookup | PropertyDataTypeLookup that uses an PropertyInfoLookup to find a property's data type ID |
CPropertyInfoSnakUrlExpander | SnakUrlExpander that uses an PropertyInfoProvider to find a URL pattern for expanding a Snak's value into an URL |
CServiceBySourceAndTypeDispatcher | |
CServiceByTypeDispatcher | |
CSettingsArray | Class representing a collection of settings |
CSimpleCacheWithBagOStuff | |
CSnakUrlExpander | SnakUrlExpander expands the value of a Snak to a URL (or URI) or some sort |
CSourceDispatchingPropertyDataTypeLookup | |
CStaticContentLanguages | Provide languages supported as content languages based on a list |
CStatsdRecordingSimpleCache | Simple CacheInterface that increments a statsd metric based on the number of cache misses that occur |
CStringNormalizer | StringNormalizer provides several methods for normalizing strings |
CSubEntityTypesMapper | Thin wrapper around EntityTypeDefinitions::SUB_ENTITY_TYPES |
CSummary | A Summary object can be used to build complex, translatable summaries |
CTermFallbackCacheFactory | Factory for accessing the shared cache |
CTermIndexEntry | Object representing an entry in the term store (formerly known as the term index) |
CTermLanguageFallbackChain | FIXME: this class is not a language fallback chain |
CUnionContentLanguages | Provide languages supported as content languages based on two ContentLanguages |
CUserInputException | Used in special pages and elsewhere to handle user input errors, allow them to bubble up to presentation layer and contain message that can be displayed to the user in their language |
CUserLanguageLookup | Service for looking up the languages understood by a user |
CWikibaseContentLanguages | A collection of ContentLanguages objects for different contexts |
CWikibaseSettings | WikibaseSettings is a static access point to Wikibase settings defined as global state (typically in LocalSettings.php) |
►NRepo | Root namespace for Repo extension code |
►NActions | |
CEditEntityAction | Handles the edit action for Wikibase entities |
CHistoryEntityAction | Handles the history action for Wikibase entities |
CSubmitEntityAction | Handles the submit action for Wikibase entities |
CSubmitEntityStatus | A Status representing the result of a SubmitEntityAction edit (i.e |
CViewEntityAction | Handles the view action for Wikibase entities |
►NApi | Repo implementations of MediaWiki's Action API |
CApiErrorReporter | ApiErrorReporter is a component for API modules that handles error reporting |
CApiHelperFactory | A factory class for API helper objects |
CAvailableBadges | API module to query available badge items |
CCombinedEntitySearchHelper | Helper class to search for entities by ID |
CConceptUriSearchHelper | EntitySearchHelper decorator that adds an entity concept URI to the TermSearchResult meta data if not already set |
CCreateClaim | API module for creating claims |
CCreateRedirect | API module for creating entity redirects |
CEditEntity | Derived class for API modules modifying a single entity identified by id xor a combination of site and page title |
CEditSummaryHelper | Helper methods for preparing summary instance for editing entity activity |
CEntityByTitleHelper | Helper class for api modules to resolve page+title pairs into entities |
CEntityIdSearchHelper | Helper class to search for entities by ID |
CEntityLoadingHelper | Helper class for api modules to load entities |
CEntitySavingHelper | Helper class for api modules to save entities |
CEntitySearchException | Exception thrown by EntitySearchHelper implementation when an unrecoverable backend error occurs |
CEntitySearchHelper | Generic interface for searching entities |
CEntityTerms | Provides wikibase terms (labels, descriptions, aliases) for entity pages |
CEntityTermSearchHelper | Helper class to search for entities |
CFedPropertiesTypeDispatchingEntitySearchHelper | EntitySearchHelper implementation invoked when federated properties is enabled which uses entity configuration to instantiate the specific handler |
CFormatEntities | API module for formatting a set of entity IDs |
CFormatSnakValue | API module for using value formatters |
CGetClaims | API module for getting claims |
CGetClaimsStatementFilter | |
CGetEntities | API module to get the data for one or more Wikibase entities |
CLinkTitles | API module to associate two pages on two different sites with a Wikibase item |
CListSubscribers | API module for getting wikis subscribed to changes to given entities |
CMergeItems | |
CMetaContentLanguages | |
CMetaDataBridgeConfig | |
CModifyEntity | Base class for API modules modifying a single entity identified based on id xor a combination of site and page title |
CModifyTerm | API module to set the terms for a Wikibase entity |
CParseValue | API module for using value parsers |
CPropertyDataTypeSearchHelper | EntitySearchHelper decorator that adds property data types to the TermSearchResult meta data |
CQuerySearchEntities | API module to search for Wikibase entities that can be used as a generator |
CRemoveClaims | API module for removing claims |
CRemoveQualifiers | API module for removing qualifiers from a statement |
CRemoveReferences | API module for removing one or more references of the same statement |
CResultBuilder | Builder of MediaWiki ApiResult objects with various convenience functions for adding Wikibase concepts and result parts to results in a uniform way |
CSearchEntities | API module to search for Wikibase entities |
CSetAliases | API module to set the aliases for a Wikibase entity |
CSetClaim | API module for creating or updating an entire Claim |
CSetClaimValue | API module for setting the DataValue contained by the main snak of a claim |
CSetDescription | API module for the language attributes for a Wikibase entity |
CSetLabel | API module to set the label for a Wikibase entity |
CSetQualifier | API module for creating a qualifier or setting the value of an existing one |
CSetReference | API module for creating a reference or setting the value of an existing one |
CSetSiteLink | API module to associate a page on a site with a Wikibase entity or remove an already made such association |
CStatementModificationHelper | Helper class for modifying an entities statements |
CTypeDispatchingEntitySearchHelper | EntitySearchHelper implementation which uses entity configuration to instantiate the specific handler |
►NChangeModification | |
CDispatchChangeDeletionNotificationJob | Job for fetching and dispatching RepoRevisionIdentifiers marked for deletion for client databases |
CDispatchChangeModificationNotificationJob | Base class for repo jobs that dispatch client change modification notification jobs to all client wikis |
CDispatchChangesJob | |
CDispatchChangeVisibilityNotificationJob | Job that propagates changes to the visibility of an article's revisions to clients |
►NChangeOp | |
►NDeserialization | |
CAliasesChangeOpDeserializer | Constructs ChangeOps for alias change requests |
CChangeOpDeserializationException | Thrown from ChangeOpDeserializers to be handled by a higher abstraction layer such as the API |
CChangeOpDeserializerFactory | Factory providing ChangeOpDeserializers for fields of items and properties, such as label, description, alias, claim and sitelink |
CClaimsChangeOpDeserializer | Constructs ChangeOps for statement change requests (referred to as "claims" for legacy reasons) |
CDescriptionsChangeOpDeserializer | Constructs ChangeOps for description change requests |
CFingerprintChangeOpDeserializer | Constructs ChangeOps for fingerprint (terms) change requests |
CItemChangeOpDeserializer | Constructs ChangeOps for item change requests |
CLabelsChangeOpDeserializer | Constructs ChangeOps for label change requests |
CPropertyChangeOpDeserializer | Constructs ChangeOp objects for property change requests |
CSiteLinkBadgeChangeOpSerializationValidator | Validates the structure of the site link's badge change request |
CSiteLinksChangeOpDeserializer | Deserializer for site link change requests |
CTermChangeOpSerializationValidator | This class is used to validate attributes of term change serializations such as language fields before they are passed to ChangeOps |
CChangedLanguagesCollector | Collect distinct languages of changed parts in ChangeOpResult tree |
CChangedLanguagesCounter | Counts distinct languages of changed parts in ChangeOpResult tree |
CChangeOp | A ChangeOp represents a modification of an entity |
CChangeOpAliases | Class for aliases change operation |
CChangeOpAliasesResult | |
CChangeOpApplyException | Exception thrown when the validation of a change operation failed |
CChangeOpBase | Base class for change operations |
CChangeOpDescription | Class for description change operation |
CChangeOpDescriptionResult | |
CChangeOpDeserializer | Interface for services that can construct a ChangeOp from a JSON style array structure describing changes to an entity |
CChangeOpException | Exception thrown during an invalid change operation |
CChangeOpFactoryProvider | Provider for ChangeOpFactories |
CChangeOpFingerprint | Decorator on ChangeOps for collecting and distinguishing a collection of ChangeOp instances on entity fingerprint parts |
CChangeOpFingerprintResult | Decorator on ChangeOpsResult for collecting and distinguishing a collection of ChangeOpResult instances on entity fingerprint parts |
CChangeOpLabel | Class for label change operation |
CChangeOpLabelResult | |
CChangeOpMainSnak | Class for mainsnak change operation |
CChangeOpQualifier | Class for qualifier change operation |
CChangeOpQualifierRemove | Class for qualifier removal change operation |
CChangeOpReference | Class for reference change operation |
CChangeOpReferenceRemove | Class for reference removal change operation |
CChangeOpRemoveSiteLink | |
CChangeOpRemoveStatement | Class for statement remove operation |
CChangeOpResult | Each ChangeOp applied will return an instance of ChangeOpResult |
CChangeOps | Class for holding a batch of change operations |
CChangeOpSiteLink | Class for sitelink change operation |
CChangeOpsMerge | |
CChangeOpsResult | Class for collection of ChangeOp results |
CChangeOpStatement | Class for statement modification operations |
CChangeOpStatementRank | Class for statement rank change operation |
CChangeOpValidationException | Exception thrown when the validation of a change operation failed |
CDummyChangeOpResult | Only references the entity, always validates successfully and always indicates no changes to the entity |
CEntityChangeOpProvider | Turns entity change request into ChangeOp objects based on change request deserialization configured for the particular entity type |
CFingerprintChangeOpFactory | Factory for ChangeOps that apply to an entity Fingerprint |
CGenericChangeOpResult | Holds only generic info on whether entity was changed or not |
CLanguageBoundChangeOpResult | Result of changing a language-bound part of the entity |
CNonLanguageBoundChangesCounter | Counts changes to entity that are not language bound (not instance of LanguageBoundChangeOpResult ) in ChangeOpResult tree |
CNullChangeOp | |
CSiteLinkChangeOpFactory | Factory for ChangeOps that modify SiteLinks |
CStatementChangeOpFactory | Factory for ChangeOps that modify Statements |
►NContent | Repo integration with MediaWiki's Content mechanism |
CContentHandlerEntityIdLookup | Implementation of EntityIdLookup that uses content handler |
CContentHandlerEntityTitleLookup | |
CDataUpdateAdapter | A generic DataUpdate based on a callable passed to the constructor |
CDeferredCopyEntityHolder | EntityHolder implementing deferred copying |
CDeferredDecodingEntityHolder | EntityHolder implementing deferred deserialization |
CEntityContent | Abstract content object for articles representing Wikibase entities |
CEntityContentDiff | Represents a diff between two Wikibase\Repo\Content\EntityContent instances |
CEntityContentFactory | Factory for EntityContent objects |
CEntityHandler | Base handler class for Entity content classes |
CEntityHolder | A holder for entity objects |
CEntityInstanceHolder | Trivial EntityHolder holding an entity object |
CItemContent | Content object for articles representing Wikibase items |
CItemHandler | Content handler for Wikibase items |
CPropertyContent | Content object for articles representing Wikibase properties |
CPropertyHandler | Content handler for Wikibase items |
►NDiff | |
CBasicDiffView | Class for generating views of DiffOp objects |
CBasicEntityDiffVisualizer | Class for generating views of EntityDiff objects |
CClaimDiffer | Class for generating a ClaimDifference given two statements |
CClaimDifference | Represents the difference between two Statement objects |
CClaimDifferenceVisualizer | Class for generating HTML for Claim Diffs |
CDifferencesSnakVisualizer | Visualizes Snaks for difference views |
CDiffOpValueFormatter | Class for generating diff rows for a given set of old and new values |
CDiffView | Interface for generating views of DiffOp objects |
CDispatchingEntityDiffVisualizer | Class for dynamic dispatching of EntityDiffVisualizer |
CEntityContentDiffView | Difference view for Wikibase entities |
CEntityDiffVisualizer | Service interface for rendering EntityContentDiffs as HTML |
CEntityDiffVisualizerFactory | Turns entity change request into ChangeOp objects based on change request deserialization configured for the particular entity type |
CEntitySlotDiffRenderer | |
CItemDiffVisualizer | Class for generating views of EntityDiff objects |
CSiteLinkDiffView | Class for generating views of DiffOp objects representing diffs of an Item’s site links (including badges) |
►NDomains | |
►NSearch | |
►NApplication | |
►NUseCases | |
►NSimpleItemSearch | |
CSimpleItemSearch | |
►NDumpers | Code relating to dumping Repo entities |
CDumpGenerator | DumpGenerator generates a dump of a given set of entities, excluding redirects |
CJsonDataTypeInjector | Class for injecting property datatypes in entity json serialization |
CJsonDumpGenerator | JsonDumpGenerator generates an JSON dump of a given set of entities, excluding redirects |
CRdfDumpGenerator | RdfDumpGenerator generates an RDF dump of a given set of entities, excluding redirects |
►NEditEntity | Interfaces and Implementations for editing Wikibase entities |
CEditEntity | Handler for editing activity, providing a unified interface for saving modified entities while performing permission checks and handling edit conflicts |
CEditEntityStatus | A Status representing the result of an EditEntity edit |
CEditFilterHookRunner | Interface to run a hook before and edit is saved |
CMediaWikiEditEntity | Handler for editing activity, providing a unified interface for saving modified entities while performing permission checks and handling edit conflicts |
CMediaWikiEditEntityFactory | |
CMediaWikiEditFilterHookRunner | Class to run the MediaWiki EditFilterMergedContent hook |
CStatsdSaveTimeRecordingEditEntity | EditEntity that collects stats for edits |
CStatsdSaveTimeRecordingEntityStore | EntityStore that collects stats for edit save times |
CStatsdTimeRecordingEditFilterHookRunner | EditFilterHookRunning that collects stats for edits |
►NEntityReferenceExtractors | |
CEntityReferenceExtractor | Describes objects that extract ids of referenced entities from an entity |
CEntityReferenceExtractorCollection | Merges extracted entity ids from multiple EntityReferenceExtractors |
CEntityReferenceExtractorDelegator | Uses an EntityReferenceExtractor based on the given entity's type |
CSiteLinkBadgeItemReferenceExtractor | Extracts ids of items that are used as badges on site links on a given item |
CStatementEntityReferenceExtractor | Extracts ids of entities that are referenced on a given entity within its statements |
►NFederatedProperties | |
CApiEntityExistenceChecker | |
CApiEntityLookup | A class that handles fetching and in-memory caching of entities |
CApiEntityNamespaceInfoLookup | A class for getting namespaces for federated properties one time per request |
CApiEntitySearchHelper | Helper class to search for entities via an api from another wikibase instance |
CApiEntityTitleTextLookup | |
CApiEntityUrlLookup | |
CApiPrefetchingTermLookup | A PrefetchingTermLookup for federated properties |
CApiPropertyDataTypeLookup | |
CApiRequestException | Exception for when api response status in not OK or status code is not 200 |
CApiRequestExecutionException | Exception thrown when the request execution failed before getting a response, e.g |
CApiServiceFactory | |
CBaseUriExtractor | |
CDefaultFederatedPropertiesEntitySourceAdder | |
CFederatedPropertiesAwareDispatchingEntityIdParser | |
CFederatedPropertiesEntityIdFormatter | Wrapper for EntityIdFormatter that handles federated property API exceptions |
CFederatedPropertiesError | An error page used for showing API errors for a specific entity using Federated Properties |
CFederatedPropertiesException | Base class for all federated properties exceptions |
CFederatedPropertiesPrefetchingEntityParserOutputGeneratorDecorator | Wraps an EntityParserOutputGenerator and prefetches data for Federated Properties used on the given Entity |
CFederatedPropertiesUiEntityParserOutputGeneratorDecorator | Wraps an EntityParserOutputGenerator and adds Federated Properties UI modules and error handling |
CGenericActionApiClient | A Generic MediaWikiAction API client created for use in Federated Properties, but could be used for other cases |
CNullEntitySearchHelper | |
CSpecialListFederatedProperties | Special page to list properties by data type |
CWrappingEntityIdFormatterFactory | |
►NHooks | Repo handling of MediaWiki's Hooks |
►NFormatters | |
CDefaultEntityLinkFormatter | Utility class to format entity links with labels for usage in hooks |
CEntityLinkFormatter | |
CEntityLinkFormatterFactory | |
►NHelpers | |
COutputPageEditability | Determined (likely) editability of an OutputPage by inspecting this god object's properties |
COutputPageEntityViewChecker | |
COutputPageRevisionIdReader | Determines the revision id shown on an OutputPage by inspecting this god object's properties |
CUserPreferredContentLanguagesLookup | |
CArticleRevisionVisibilitySetHookHandler | Hook handler that propagates changes to the visibility of an article's revisions to clients, through a job |
CDeleteDispatcher | Hook for dispatching DeleteDispatchNotificationJob on repo which in turn will fetch archived revisions and dispatch deletion jobs on the clients |
CDifferenceEngineViewHeaderHookHandler | Hook for prefetching the terms of entities mentioned in edit summaries on diff pages |
CEntityDataPurger | |
CHtmlPageLinkRendererEndHookHandler | Handler for the HtmlPageLinkRendererEnd hook, used to change the default link text of links to wikibase Entity pages to the respective entity's label |
CInfoActionHookHandler | |
CLabelPrefetchHookHandler | Hook handlers for triggering prefetching of labels |
CMakeGlobalVariablesScriptHookHandler | |
COutputPageBeforeHTMLHookHandler | Handler for the "OutputPageBeforeHTML" hook |
COutputPageEntityIdReader | Allows retrieving an EntityId based on a previously propagated OutputPage |
CPageHistoryPagerHookHandler | Hook handler for prefetching on history pages |
CRecentChangeSaveHookHandler | Inject change information from RC into the change notification created by the onRevisionFromEditComplete hook handler and save it to wb_changes table |
CShowSearchHitHandler | Handler to format entities in the search results |
CSidebarBeforeOutputHookHandler | |
CSummaryParsingPrefetchHelper | A helper class for parsing and prefetching terms of entities mentioned in edit summaries |
►NInteractors | Various random 'Interactors' that do 'things' (ill defined) |
CEntityRedirectCreationInteractor | An interactor implementing the use case of creating a redirect |
CEntityRedirectCreationStatus | A Status representing the result of an EntityRedirectCreationInteractor |
CItemMergeException | Exception representing a failure to execute the "merge items" use case |
CItemMergeInteractor | |
CItemMergeStatus | A Status representing the result of an ItemMergeInteractor |
CItemRedirectCreationInteractor | |
CRedirectCreationException | Exception representing a failure to execute the "create redirect" use case |
CTokenCheckException | Exception representing a token check failure |
CTokenCheckInteractor | Interactor for checking edit tokens |
►NIO | |
CEntityIdReader | EntityIdReader reads entity IDs from a file, one per line |
CLineReader | LineReader allows iterating over the lines of a file |
►NLinkedData | |
CEntityDataFormatProvider | Service for getting information about supported data formats |
CEntityDataRequestHandler | Request handler implementing a linked data interface for Wikibase entities |
CEntityDataSerializationService | Service for serializing entity data |
CEntityDataUriManager | Manages URIs for the linked data interface |
►NLocalizer | |
CChangeOpApplyExceptionLocalizer | Localizes ChangeOpApplyExceptions |
CChangeOpDeserializationExceptionLocalizer | Localizes ChangeOpDeserializationExceptions |
CChangeOpValidationExceptionLocalizer | |
CDispatchingExceptionLocalizer | ExceptionLocalizer implementing localization of some well known types of exceptions that may occur in the context of the Wikibase exception, as provided in $localizers |
CExceptionLocalizer | Interface for services that provide localized messages for various types of Exceptions |
CGenericExceptionLocalizer | |
CMessageExceptionLocalizer | |
CMessageParameterFormatter | ValueFormatter for formatting objects that may be encountered in parameters of ValueValidators\Error objects as wikitext |
CParseExceptionLocalizer | Provides a Message for ParseException for localized errors |
►NMaintenance | Repo integration with MediaWiki's maintenance scripts |
CAddUnitConversions | Generate dump-like RDF for newly added units without running full dump |
CChangePropertyDataType | |
CDumpEntities | Maintenance script for generating a dump of entities in the repository |
CDumpJson | |
CDumpRdf | |
CEntityQuantityUnitRebuilder | |
CImportFederatedPropertiesSampleData | Import data from a data file to a Federated Properties Wikibase instance For an example file format to import, see repo/tests/phpunit/data/maintenance/federatedPropertiesTestDataFile.tsv |
CPopulateChangesSubscription | Maintenance script for populating wb_changes_subscription based on the wb_items_per_site table |
CPopulateWithRandomEntitiesAndTerms | Populates the database with generated entities |
CPruneItemsPerSite | Maintenance script for pruning rows belonging to deleted or redirected items from the wb_items_per_site table |
CRebuildEntityQuantityUnit | |
CRebuildItemsPerSite | Maintenance script for rebuilding the wb_items_per_site table |
CRebuildItemTerms | |
CRebuildPropertyInfo | Maintenance script for rebuilding the property info table |
CRebuildPropertyTerms | |
CRemoveTermsInLanguage | |
CResubmitChanges | Resubmit stuck jobs based on old changes in the Wikibase wb_changes table |
CSearchEntities | The script is intended to run searches in the same way as wbsearchentities does |
CUpdateUnits | Generate the conversion table for units, optionally filtered to units of a certain type |
►NMerge | |
►NValidator | |
CNoCrossReferencingStatements | |
CMergeFactory | Factory for merging services |
CStatementsMerger | Merges statements of two StatementListProvider objects |
►NNormalization | |
CCommonsMediaValueNormalizer | |
►NNotifications | 'Notifications' of Repo changes to Client sites |
CChangeHolder | Notification channel based on a database table |
CChangeNotifier | Class for generating and submitting change notifications in different situations |
CChangeTransmitter | Channel for sending notifications about changes on the repo to any clients |
CChangeTransmitterException | Exception for indication problems with change notifications |
CHookChangeTransmitter | Change notification channel using a MediaWiki hook container |
CWikiPageActionEntityChangeFactory | Factory for creating EntityChange objects for repo wiki page actions that clients need to be notified for |
►NParserOutput | ParserOutput integration for pages that are entities |
►NPlaceholderExpander | |
CEntityViewPlaceholderExpander | Utility for expanding placeholders left in the HTML |
CExternallyRenderedEntityViewPlaceholderExpander | |
CPlaceholderExpander | |
CTermboxRequestInspector | Determines whether the entity page was requested with non-default settings, e.g |
CCompositeStatementDataUpdater | |
CDispatchingEntityMetaTagsCreatorFactory | A factory to create EntityMetaTags implementations by entity type based on callbacks |
CDispatchingEntityViewFactory | A factory to create EntityDocumentView implementations by entity type based on callbacks |
CEntityParserOutputDataUpdaterCollection | |
CEntityParserOutputGenerator | |
CEntityParserOutputGeneratorFactory | |
CEntityParserOutputUpdater | |
CEntityTermsViewFactory | |
CExternalLinksDataUpdater | Add url data values as external links in ParserOutput |
CFallbackHintHtmlTermRenderer | |
CFullEntityParserOutputGenerator | Creates the parser output for an entity |
CGeoDataDataUpdater | Extracts and stashes coordinates from Statement main snaks and adds to ParserOutput for use by the GeoData extension |
CGlobeCoordinateKartographerDataUpdater | Add required data for Kartographer to the ParserOutput |
CImageLinksDataUpdater | Register commonsMedia values as used images in ParserOutput |
CItemParserOutputUpdater | |
CPageImagesDataUpdater | Code to make the PageImages extension aware of pages in the Wikibase namespaces |
CParserOutputJsConfigBuilder | |
CPlaceholderEmittingEntityTermsView | An EntityTermsView that returns placeholders for some parts of the HTML |
CPropertyParserOutputUpdater | |
CReferencedEntitiesDataUpdater | Finds linked entities on an Entity and add the links to ParserOutput |
CStatementDataUpdater | |
CStatsdTimeRecordingEntityParserOutputGenerator | |
CTermboxFlag | |
CTermboxView | |
CTextInjector | Helper for injecting text by substituting placeholders |
►NParsers | |
CDateFormatParser | This parser is in essence the inverse operation of MediaWiki's Language::sprintfDate |
CEntityIdValueParser | Parser that parses entity id strings into EntityIdValue objects |
CMediaWikiMonthNameProvider | A MonthNameProvider using MediaWiki's localization infrastructure |
CMediaWikiNumberUnlocalizer | |
CMonolingualTextParser | Parser for monolingual text strings |
CMwDateFormatParserFactory | This factory creates a parser that accepts most outputs of MediaWiki's Language::sprintfDate formatting |
CMwEraParser | Class to parse localized era from values |
CMwTimeIsoParser | Class to parse values that can be formatted by MWTimeIsoFormatter This includes parsing of localized values |
CTimeParserFactory | |
CWikibaseStringValueNormalizer | Adapter implementing ValueParsers\Normalizers\StringNormalizer based on \Wikibase\Lib\StringNormalizer |
►NRdf | |
►NValues | |
CCommonsMediaRdfBuilder | RDF mapping for commonsMedia DataValues |
CComplexValueRdfHelper | Helper object for mapping DataValues to complex RDF structures (value nodes) |
CEntityIdRdfBuilder | RDF mapping for wikibase-entity DataValues |
CExternalIdentifierRdfBuilder | RDF mapping for StringValues that are interpreted as external identifiers |
CGeoShapeRdfBuilder | |
CGlobeCoordinateRdfBuilder | RDF mapping for GlobeCoordinateValue |
CLiteralValueRdfBuilder | RDF mapping for DataValues that map to a literal |
CMonolingualTextRdfBuilder | RDF mapping for MonolingualTextValues |
CObjectUriRdfBuilder | RDF mapping for DataValues that map to a resource (object) URI |
CQuantityRdfBuilder | RDF mapping for UnboundedQuantityValue and QuantityValue |
CTabularDataRdfBuilder | |
CTimeRdfBuilder | RDF mapping for TimeValues |
CDateTimeValueCleaner | Very basic cleaner that assumes the date is Gregorian and only ensures it looks OK |
CDedupeBag | Interface for a facility that avoids duplicates based on value hashes |
CDispatchingValueSnakRdfBuilder | Dispatching implementation of ValueSnakRdfBuilder |
CEntityMentionListener | Interface for tracking entities mentioned while generating RDF |
CEntityRdfBuilder | Interface for an RDF mapping for wikibase entities |
CEntityRdfBuilderFactory | Factory for EntityRdfBuilder based on factory callbacks |
CEntityStubRdfBuilder | Interface for an RDF mapping for parts of a Wikibase Entity by id |
CEntityStubRdfBuilderFactory | Factory for EntityStubRdfBuilderFactory based on factory callbacks |
CFullStatementRdfBuilder | Fully reified RDF mapping for wikibase statements, including deprecated and non-"best" statements, ranks, qualifiers, and references |
CFullStatementRdfBuilderFactory | |
CHashDedupeBag | Hash based implementation of DedupeBag |
CItemRdfBuilder | |
CItemStubRdfBuilder | |
CJulianDateTimeValueCleaner | Clean datetime value to conform to RDF/XML standards This class supports Julian->Gregorian conversion |
CNullDedupeBag | Null implementation of DedupeBag |
CNullEntityMentionListener | Null implementation of EntityMentionListener |
CNullEntityRdfBuilder | Null implementation of EntityRdfBuilder |
CPrefetchingEntityStubRdfBuilder | |
CPropertyRdfBuilder | |
CPropertySpecificComponentsRdfBuilder | Rdfbuilder to create the triples that describe: |
CPropertyStubRdfBuilder | |
CRdfBuilder | RDF mapping for wikibase data model |
CRdfBuilderFactory | |
CRdfProducer | RDF producer options |
CRdfVocabulary | RDF vocabulary for use in mapping for wikibase data model |
CSiteLinksRdfBuilder | RDF mapping for entity SiteLinks |
CSnakRdfBuilder | Implementation for RDF mapping for Snaks |
CTermsRdfBuilder | RDF mapping for entity terms |
CTruthyStatementRdfBuilder | "Truthy" RDF mapping for wikibase statements, directly mapping properties to "best" values without modelling statements as identifiable objects |
CTruthyStatementRdfBuilderFactory | |
CUnknownFlavorException | |
CValueSnakRdfBuilder | Interface for RDF mapping for wikibase data values |
CValueSnakRdfBuilderFactory | Factory for ValueSnakRdfBuilder based on factory callbacks |
►NRestApi | |
►NApplication | |
►NSerialization | |
►NExceptions | |
CBadgeNotAllowed | |
CEmptyDescriptionException | |
CEmptyLabelException | |
CEmptySitelinkException | |
CInvalidDescriptionException | |
CInvalidFieldException | |
CInvalidFieldTypeException | |
CInvalidLabelException | |
CInvalidSitelinkBadgeException | |
CMissingFieldException | |
CPropertyIdMismatchException | |
CPropertyNotFoundException | |
CSerializationException | |
CAliasesDeserializer | |
CAliasesInLanguageDeserializer | |
CAliasesSerializer | |
CDescriptionsDeserializer | |
CDescriptionsSerializer | |
CItemPartsSerializer | |
CItemSerializer | |
CLabelsDeserializer | |
CLabelsSerializer | |
CPropertyPartsSerializer | |
CPropertySerializer | |
CPropertyValuePairDeserializer | |
CPropertyValuePairSerializer | |
CReferenceDeserializer | |
CReferenceSerializer | |
CSitelinkDeserializer | |
CSitelinkSerializer | |
CSitelinksSerializer | |
CStatementDeserializer | |
CStatementListSerializer | |
CStatementSerializer | |
CValueDeserializer | |
►NUseCaseRequestValidation | |
CAliasLanguageCodeRequest | |
CDescriptionLanguageCodeRequest | |
CDeserializedEditMetadataRequest | |
CDeserializedItemAliasesInLanguageEditRequest | |
CDeserializedItemDescriptionEditRequest | |
CDeserializedItemFieldsRequest | |
CDeserializedItemIdRequest | |
CDeserializedItemLabelEditRequest | |
CDeserializedItemRequest | |
CDeserializedLanguageCodeRequest | |
CDeserializedPatchRequest | |
CDeserializedPropertyAliasesInLanguageEditRequest | |
CDeserializedPropertyDescriptionEditRequest | |
CDeserializedPropertyFieldsRequest | |
CDeserializedPropertyIdFilterRequest | |
CDeserializedPropertyIdRequest | |
CDeserializedPropertyLabelEditRequest | |
CDeserializedRequestAdapter | |
CDeserializedSiteIdRequest | |
CDeserializedSitelinkEditRequest | |
CDeserializedStatementIdRequest | |
CDeserializedStatementSerializationRequest | |
CEditMetadataRequest | |
CEditMetadataRequestValidatingDeserializer | |
CFieldsFilterValidatingDeserializer | |
CItemAliasesInLanguageEditRequest | |
CItemAliasesInLanguageEditRequestValidatingDeserializer | |
CItemDescriptionEditRequest | |
CItemDescriptionEditRequestValidatingDeserializer | |
CItemFieldsRequest | |
CItemIdRequest | |
CItemIdRequestValidatingDeserializer | |
CItemLabelEditRequest | |
CItemLabelEditRequestValidatingDeserializer | |
CItemSerializationRequest | |
CItemSerializationRequestValidatingDeserializer | |
CItemStatementIdRequest | |
CItemStatementIdRequestValidator | |
CLabelLanguageCodeRequest | |
CLanguageCodeRequest | |
CLanguageCodeRequestValidatingDeserializer | |
CMappedRequestValidatingDeserializer | |
CPatchRequest | |
CPatchRequestValidatingDeserializer | |
CPropertyAliasesInLanguageEditRequest | |
CPropertyAliasesInLanguageEditRequestValidatingDeserializer | |
CPropertyDescriptionEditRequest | |
CPropertyDescriptionEditRequestValidatingDeserializer | |
CPropertyFieldsRequest | |
CPropertyIdFilterRequest | |
CPropertyIdFilterValidatingDeserializer | |
CPropertyIdRequest | |
CPropertyIdValidatingDeserializer | |
CPropertyLabelEditRequest | |
CPropertyLabelEditRequestValidatingDeserializer | |
CPropertyStatementIdRequest | |
CPropertyStatementIdRequestValidator | |
CSiteIdRequest | |
CSiteIdRequestValidatingDeserializer | |
CSitelinkEditRequest | |
CSitelinkEditRequestValidatingDeserializer | |
CStatementIdRequest | |
CStatementIdRequestValidatingDeserializer | |
CStatementSerializationRequest | |
CStatementSerializationRequestValidatingDeserializer | |
CUseCaseRequest | |
CUtils | |
►NUseCases | |
►NAddItemAliasesInLanguage | |
CAddItemAliasesInLanguage | |
CAddItemAliasesInLanguageRequest | |
CAddItemAliasesInLanguageResponse | |
CAddItemAliasesInLanguageValidator | |
CDeserializedAddItemAliasesInLanguageRequest | |
►NAddItemStatement | |
CAddItemStatement | |
CAddItemStatementRequest | |
CAddItemStatementResponse | |
CAddItemStatementValidator | |
CDeserializedAddItemStatementRequest | |
►NAddPropertyAliasesInLanguage | |
CAddPropertyAliasesInLanguage | |
CAddPropertyAliasesInLanguageRequest | |
CAddPropertyAliasesInLanguageResponse | |
CAddPropertyAliasesInLanguageValidator | |
CDeserializedAddPropertyAliasesInLanguageRequest | |
►NAddPropertyStatement | |
CAddPropertyStatement | |
CAddPropertyStatementRequest | |
CAddPropertyStatementResponse | |
CAddPropertyStatementValidator | |
CDeserializedAddPropertyStatementRequest | |
►NCreateItem | |
CCreateItem | |
CCreateItemRequest | |
CCreateItemResponse | |
CCreateItemValidator | |
CDeserializedCreateItemRequest | |
►NCreateProperty | |
CCreateProperty | |
CCreatePropertyRequest | |
CCreatePropertyResponse | |
CCreatePropertyValidator | |
CDeserializedCreatePropertyRequest | |
►NGetItem | |
CDeserializedGetItemRequest | |
CGetItem | |
CGetItemRequest | |
CGetItemResponse | |
CGetItemValidator | |
►NGetItemAliases | |
CDeserializedGetItemAliasesRequest | |
CGetItemAliases | |
CGetItemAliasesRequest | |
CGetItemAliasesResponse | |
CGetItemAliasesValidator | |
►NGetItemAliasesInLanguage | |
CDeserializedGetItemAliasesInLanguageRequest | |
CGetItemAliasesInLanguage | |
CGetItemAliasesInLanguageRequest | |
CGetItemAliasesInLanguageResponse | |
CGetItemAliasesInLanguageValidator | |
►NGetItemDescription | |
CDeserializedGetItemDescriptionRequest | |
CGetItemDescription | |
CGetItemDescriptionRequest | |
CGetItemDescriptionResponse | |
CGetItemDescriptionValidator | |
►NGetItemDescriptions | |
CDeserializedGetItemDescriptionsRequest | |
CGetItemDescriptions | |
CGetItemDescriptionsRequest | |
CGetItemDescriptionsResponse | |
CGetItemDescriptionsValidator | |
►NGetItemDescriptionWithFallback | |
CDeserializedGetItemDescriptionWithFallbackRequest | |
CGetItemDescriptionWithFallback | |
CGetItemDescriptionWithFallbackRequest | |
CGetItemDescriptionWithFallbackResponse | |
CGetItemDescriptionWithFallbackValidator | |
►NGetItemLabel | |
CDeserializedGetItemLabelRequest | |
CGetItemLabel | |
CGetItemLabelRequest | |
CGetItemLabelResponse | |
CGetItemLabelValidator | |
►NGetItemLabels | |
CDeserializedGetItemLabelsRequest | |
CGetItemLabels | |
CGetItemLabelsRequest | |
CGetItemLabelsResponse | |
CGetItemLabelsValidator | |
►NGetItemLabelWithFallback | |
CDeserializedGetItemLabelWithFallbackRequest | |
CGetItemLabelWithFallback | |
CGetItemLabelWithFallbackRequest | |
CGetItemLabelWithFallbackResponse | |
CGetItemLabelWithFallbackValidator | |
►NGetItemStatement | |
CDeserializedGetItemStatementRequest | |
CGetItemStatement | |
CGetItemStatementRequest | |
CGetItemStatementValidator | |
►NGetItemStatements | |
CDeserializedGetItemStatementsRequest | |
CGetItemStatements | |
CGetItemStatementsRequest | |
CGetItemStatementsResponse | |
CGetItemStatementsValidator | |
►NGetProperty | |
CDeserializedGetPropertyRequest | |
CGetProperty | |
CGetPropertyRequest | |
CGetPropertyResponse | |
CGetPropertyValidator | |
►NGetPropertyAliases | |
CDeserializedGetPropertyAliasesRequest | |
CGetPropertyAliases | |
CGetPropertyAliasesRequest | |
CGetPropertyAliasesResponse | |
CGetPropertyAliasesValidator | |
►NGetPropertyAliasesInLanguage | |
CDeserializedGetPropertyAliasesInLanguageRequest | |
CGetPropertyAliasesInLanguage | |
CGetPropertyAliasesInLanguageRequest | |
CGetPropertyAliasesInLanguageResponse | |
CGetPropertyAliasesInLanguageValidator | |
►NGetPropertyDescription | |
CDeserializedGetPropertyDescriptionRequest | |
CGetPropertyDescription | |
CGetPropertyDescriptionRequest | |
CGetPropertyDescriptionResponse | |
CGetPropertyDescriptionValidator | |
►NGetPropertyDescriptions | |
CDeserializedGetPropertyDescriptionsRequest | |
CGetPropertyDescriptions | |
CGetPropertyDescriptionsRequest | |
CGetPropertyDescriptionsResponse | |
CGetPropertyDescriptionsValidator | |
►NGetPropertyDescriptionWithFallback | |
CDeserializedGetPropertyDescriptionWithFallbackRequest | |
CGetPropertyDescriptionWithFallback | |
CGetPropertyDescriptionWithFallbackRequest | |
CGetPropertyDescriptionWithFallbackResponse | |
CGetPropertyDescriptionWithFallbackValidator | |
►NGetPropertyLabel | |
CDeserializedGetPropertyLabelRequest | |
CGetPropertyLabel | |
CGetPropertyLabelRequest | |
CGetPropertyLabelResponse | |
CGetPropertyLabelValidator | |
►NGetPropertyLabels | |
CDeserializedGetPropertyLabelsRequest | |
CGetPropertyLabels | |
CGetPropertyLabelsRequest | |
CGetPropertyLabelsResponse | |
CGetPropertyLabelsValidator | |
►NGetPropertyLabelWithFallback | |
CDeserializedGetPropertyLabelWithFallbackRequest | |
CGetPropertyLabelWithFallback | |
CGetPropertyLabelWithFallbackRequest | |
CGetPropertyLabelWithFallbackResponse | |
CGetPropertyLabelWithFallbackValidator | |
►NGetPropertyStatement | |
CDeserializedGetPropertyStatementRequest | |
CGetPropertyStatement | |
CGetPropertyStatementRequest | |
CGetPropertyStatementValidator | |
►NGetPropertyStatements | |
CDeserializedGetPropertyStatementsRequest | |
CGetPropertyStatements | |
CGetPropertyStatementsRequest | |
CGetPropertyStatementsResponse | |
CGetPropertyStatementsValidator | |
►NGetSitelink | |
CDeserializedGetSitelinkRequest | |
CGetSitelink | |
CGetSitelinkRequest | |
CGetSitelinkResponse | |
CGetSitelinkValidator | |
►NGetSitelinks | |
CDeserializedGetSitelinksRequest | |
CGetSitelinks | |
CGetSitelinksRequest | |
CGetSitelinksResponse | |
CGetSitelinksValidator | |
►NGetStatement | |
CDeserializedGetStatementRequest | |
CGetStatement | |
CGetStatementRequest | |
CGetStatementResponse | |
CGetStatementValidator | |
►NPatchItem | |
CDeserializedPatchItemRequest | |
CPatchedItemValidator | |
CPatchItem | |
CPatchItemRequest | |
CPatchItemResponse | |
CPatchItemValidator | |
►NPatchItemAliases | |
CDeserializedPatchItemAliasesRequest | |
CPatchedItemAliasesValidator | |
CPatchItemAliases | |
CPatchItemAliasesRequest | |
CPatchItemAliasesResponse | |
CPatchItemAliasesValidator | |
►NPatchItemDescriptions | |
CDeserializedPatchItemDescriptionsRequest | |
CPatchedItemDescriptionsValidator | |
CPatchItemDescriptions | |
CPatchItemDescriptionsRequest | |
CPatchItemDescriptionsResponse | |
CPatchItemDescriptionsValidator | |
►NPatchItemLabels | |
CDeserializedPatchItemLabelsRequest | |
CPatchedItemLabelsValidator | |
CPatchItemLabels | |
CPatchItemLabelsRequest | |
CPatchItemLabelsResponse | |
CPatchItemLabelsValidator | |
►NPatchItemStatement | |
CDeserializedPatchItemStatementRequest | |
CPatchItemStatement | |
CPatchItemStatementRequest | |
CPatchItemStatementValidator | |
►NPatchProperty | |
CDeserializedPatchPropertyRequest | |
CPatchedPropertyValidator | |
CPatchProperty | |
CPatchPropertyRequest | |
CPatchPropertyResponse | |
CPatchPropertyValidator | |
►NPatchPropertyAliases | |
CDeserializedPatchPropertyAliasesRequest | |
CPatchedPropertyAliasesValidator | |
CPatchPropertyAliases | |
CPatchPropertyAliasesRequest | |
CPatchPropertyAliasesResponse | |
CPatchPropertyAliasesValidator | |
►NPatchPropertyDescriptions | |
CDeserializedPatchPropertyDescriptionsRequest | |
CPatchedPropertyDescriptionsValidator | |
CPatchPropertyDescriptions | |
CPatchPropertyDescriptionsRequest | |
CPatchPropertyDescriptionsResponse | |
CPatchPropertyDescriptionsValidator | |
►NPatchPropertyLabels | |
CDeserializedPatchPropertyLabelsRequest | |
CPatchedPropertyLabelsValidator | |
CPatchPropertyLabels | |
CPatchPropertyLabelsRequest | |
CPatchPropertyLabelsResponse | |
CPatchPropertyLabelsValidator | |
►NPatchPropertyStatement | |
CDeserializedPatchPropertyStatementRequest | |
CPatchPropertyStatement | |
CPatchPropertyStatementRequest | |
CPatchPropertyStatementValidator | |
►NPatchSitelinks | |
CDeserializedPatchSitelinksRequest | |
CPatchedSitelinksValidator | |
CPatchSitelinks | |
CPatchSitelinksRequest | |
CPatchSitelinksResponse | |
CPatchSitelinksValidator | |
►NPatchStatement | |
CDeserializedPatchStatementRequest | |
CPatchedStatementValidator | |
CPatchStatement | |
CPatchStatementRequest | |
CPatchStatementResponse | |
CPatchStatementValidator | |
►NRemoveItemDescription | |
CDeserializedRemoveItemDescriptionRequest | |
CRemoveItemDescription | |
CRemoveItemDescriptionRequest | |
CRemoveItemDescriptionValidator | |
►NRemoveItemLabel | |
CDeserializedRemoveItemLabelRequest | |
CRemoveItemLabel | |
CRemoveItemLabelRequest | |
CRemoveItemLabelValidator | |
►NRemoveItemStatement | |
CDeserializedRemoveItemStatementRequest | |
CRemoveItemStatement | |
CRemoveItemStatementRequest | |
CRemoveItemStatementValidator | |
►NRemovePropertyDescription | |
CDeserializedRemovePropertyDescriptionRequest | |
CRemovePropertyDescription | |
CRemovePropertyDescriptionRequest | |
CRemovePropertyDescriptionValidator | |
►NRemovePropertyLabel | |
CDeserializedRemovePropertyLabelRequest | |
CRemovePropertyLabel | |
CRemovePropertyLabelRequest | |
CRemovePropertyLabelValidator | |
►NRemovePropertyStatement | |
CDeserializedRemovePropertyStatementRequest | |
CRemovePropertyStatement | |
CRemovePropertyStatementRequest | |
CRemovePropertyStatementValidator | |
►NRemoveSitelink | |
CDeserializedRemoveSitelinkRequest | |
CRemoveSitelink | |
CRemoveSitelinkRequest | |
CRemoveSitelinkValidator | |
►NRemoveStatement | |
CDeserializedRemoveStatementRequest | |
CRemoveStatement | |
CRemoveStatementRequest | |
CRemoveStatementValidator | |
►NReplaceItemStatement | |
CDeserializedReplaceItemStatementRequest | |
CReplaceItemStatement | |
CReplaceItemStatementRequest | |
CReplaceItemStatementValidator | |
►NReplacePropertyStatement | |
CDeserializedReplacePropertyStatementRequest | |
CReplacePropertyStatement | |
CReplacePropertyStatementRequest | |
CReplacePropertyStatementValidator | |
►NReplaceStatement | |
CDeserializedReplaceStatementRequest | |
CReplaceStatement | |
CReplaceStatementRequest | |
CReplaceStatementResponse | |
CReplaceStatementValidator | |
►NSetItemDescription | |
CDeserializedSetItemDescriptionRequest | |
CSetItemDescription | |
CSetItemDescriptionRequest | |
CSetItemDescriptionResponse | |
CSetItemDescriptionValidator | |
►NSetItemLabel | |
CDeserializedSetItemLabelRequest | |
CSetItemLabel | |
CSetItemLabelRequest | |
CSetItemLabelResponse | |
CSetItemLabelValidator | |
►NSetPropertyDescription | |
CDeserializedSetPropertyDescriptionRequest | |
CSetPropertyDescription | |
CSetPropertyDescriptionRequest | |
CSetPropertyDescriptionResponse | |
CSetPropertyDescriptionValidator | |
►NSetPropertyLabel | |
CDeserializedSetPropertyLabelRequest | |
CSetPropertyLabel | |
CSetPropertyLabelRequest | |
CSetPropertyLabelResponse | |
CSetPropertyLabelValidator | |
►NSetSitelink | |
CDeserializedSetSitelinkRequest | |
CSetSitelink | |
CSetSitelinkRequest | |
CSetSitelinkResponse | |
CSetSitelinkValidator | |
CAssertItemExists | |
CAssertPropertyExists | |
CAssertStatementSubjectExists | |
CAssertUserIsAuthorized | |
CConvertArrayObjectsToArray | |
CGetLatestItemRevisionMetadata | |
CGetLatestPropertyRevisionMetadata | |
CGetLatestStatementSubjectRevisionMetadata | |
CItemRedirect | |
CPatchJson | |
CUseCaseError | |
CUseCaseException | |
►NValidation | |
CAliasesInLanguageValidator | |
CAliasesValidator | |
CAliasLanguageCodeValidator | |
CDescriptionLanguageCodeValidator | |
CDescriptionsSyntaxValidator | |
CEditMetadataValidator | |
CItemDescriptionsContentsValidator | |
CItemDescriptionValidator | |
CItemLabelsContentsValidator | |
CItemLabelValidator | |
CItemValidator | |
CJsonPatchValidator | |
CLabelLanguageCodeValidator | |
CLabelsSyntaxValidator | |
CLanguageCodeValidator | |
CPartiallyValidatedDescriptions | |
CPartiallyValidatedLabels | |
CPropertyDescriptionsContentsValidator | |
CPropertyDescriptionValidator | |
CPropertyIdValidator | |
CPropertyLabelsContentsValidator | |
CPropertyLabelValidator | |
CSiteIdValidator | |
CSitelinksValidator | |
CSitelinkValidator | |
CStatementIdValidator | |
CStatementsValidator | |
CStatementValidator | |
CValidationError | |
►NDomain | |
►NModel | |
CAliasesEditSummary | |
CAliasesInLanguageEditSummary | |
CCreateItemEditSummary | |
CCreatePropertyEditSummary | |
CDescriptionEditSummary | |
CDescriptionsEditSummary | |
CEditMetadata | |
CEditSummary | |
CLabelEditSummary | |
CLabelsEditSummary | |
CPatchItemEditSummary | |
CPatchPropertyEditSummary | |
CSitelinkEditSummary | |
CSitelinksEditSummary | |
CStatementEditSummary | |
CUser | |
CUserProvidedEditMetadata | |
►NReadModel | |
CAliases | |
CAliasesInLanguage | |
CDescription | |
CDescriptions | |
CItem | |
CItemParts | |
CItemPartsBuilder | |
CItemRevision | |
CLabel | |
CLabels | |
CLatestItemRevisionMetadataResult | |
CLatestPropertyRevisionMetadataResult | |
CLatestStatementSubjectRevisionMetadataResult | |
CPermissionCheckResult | |
CPredicateProperty | |
CProperty | |
CPropertyParts | |
CPropertyPartsBuilder | |
CPropertyRevision | |
CPropertyValuePair | |
CQualifiers | |
CRank | |
CReference | |
CReferences | |
CSitelink | |
CSitelinks | |
CStatement | |
CStatementList | |
CStatementRevision | |
CValue | |
►NServices | |
►NExceptions | |
CEditPrevented | |
CPatchPathException | |
CPatchTestConditionFailedException | |
CRateLimitReached | |
CResourceTooLargeException | |
CSitelinkTargetNotFound | |
CTempAccountCreationLimitReached | |
CItemAliasesInLanguageRetriever | |
CItemAliasesRetriever | |
CItemCreator | |
CItemDescriptionRetriever | |
CItemDescriptionsRetriever | |
CItemDescriptionWithFallbackRetriever | |
CItemLabelRetriever | |
CItemLabelsRetriever | |
CItemLabelWithFallbackRetriever | |
CItemPartsRetriever | |
CItemRetriever | |
CItemRevisionMetadataRetriever | |
CItemStatementsRetriever | |
CItemUpdater | |
CItemWriteModelRetriever | |
CJsonPatcher | |
CPermissionChecker | |
CPropertyAliasesInLanguageRetriever | |
CPropertyAliasesRetriever | |
CPropertyCreator | |
CPropertyDescriptionRetriever | |
CPropertyDescriptionsRetriever | |
CPropertyDescriptionWithFallbackRetriever | |
CPropertyLabelRetriever | |
CPropertyLabelsRetriever | |
CPropertyLabelWithFallbackRetriever | |
CPropertyPartsRetriever | |
CPropertyRetriever | |
CPropertyRevisionMetadataRetriever | |
CPropertyStatementsRetriever | |
CPropertyUpdater | |
CPropertyWriteModelRetriever | |
CSitelinkRetriever | |
CSitelinksRetriever | |
CSitelinkTargetTitleResolver | |
CStatementReadModelConverter | |
CStatementRemover | |
CStatementRetriever | |
CStatementSubjectRevisionMetaDataRetriever | |
CStatementUpdater | |
CStatementWriteModelRetriever | |
CValueTypeLookup | |
►NInfrastructure | |
►NDataAccess | |
►NExceptions | |
CEntityUpdateFailed | |
CStatementSubjectDisappeared | |
CEntityRevisionLookupItemDataRetriever | |
CEntityRevisionLookupPropertyDataRetriever | |
CEntityRevisionLookupStatementRetriever | |
CEntityUpdater | |
CEntityUpdaterItemUpdater | |
CEntityUpdaterPropertyUpdater | |
CEntityUpdaterStatementRemover | |
CEntityUpdaterStatementUpdater | |
CFallbackLookupFactoryTermsRetriever | |
CPrefetchingTermLookupAliasesRetriever | |
CSiteLinkPageNormalizerSitelinkTargetResolver | |
CStatementSubjectRetriever | |
CTermLookupEntityTermsRetriever | |
CWikibaseEntityPermissionChecker | |
CWikibaseEntityRevisionLookupItemRevisionMetadataRetriever | |
CWikibaseEntityRevisionLookupPropertyRevisionMetadataRetriever | |
CWikibaseEntityRevisionLookupStatementSubjectRevisionMetadataRetriever | |
CDataTypeFactoryValueTypeLookup | |
CDataValuesValueDeserializer | |
CEditSummaryFormatter | |
CJsonDiffJsonPatcher | |
CJsonDiffJsonPatchValidator | |
CSiteLinkLookupSitelinkValidator | |
CSitelinksReadModelConverter | |
CTermsEditSummaryToFormattableSummaryConverter | |
CTermValidatorFactoryAliasesInLanguageValidator | |
CTermValidatorFactoryItemDescriptionValidator | |
CTermValidatorFactoryItemLabelValidator | |
CTermValidatorFactoryPropertyDescriptionValidator | |
CTermValidatorFactoryPropertyLabelValidator | |
CValidatingRequestDeserializer | |
CValueValidatorLanguageCodeValidator | |
CWholeEntityEditSummaryToFormattableSummaryConverter | |
►NRouteHandlers | |
►NMiddleware | |
CAuthenticationMiddleware | |
CBotRightCheckMiddleware | This middleware errors for bot edit requests given the user doesn't have the 'bot' right |
CMiddleware | |
CMiddlewareHandler | |
CPreconditionMiddleware | |
CPreconditionMiddlewareFactory | |
CRequestPreconditionCheck | Wrapper around an ItemRevisionMetadataRetriever and ConditionalHeaderUtil to check whether a request meets the preconditions for a certain response code |
CRequestPreconditionCheckResult | |
CStatementRedirectMiddleware | |
CStatementRedirectMiddlewareFactory | |
CTempUserCreationResponseHeaderMiddleware | |
CUnexpectedErrorHandlerMiddleware | |
CUserAgentCheckMiddleware | |
CAddItemAliasesInLanguageRouteHandler | |
CAddItemStatementRouteHandler | |
CAddPropertyAliasesInLanguageRouteHandler | |
CAddPropertyStatementRouteHandler | |
CCreateItemRouteHandler | |
CCreatePropertyRouteHandler | |
CErrorResponseToHttpStatus | |
CGetItemAliasesInLanguageRouteHandler | |
CGetItemAliasesRouteHandler | |
CGetItemDescriptionRouteHandler | |
CGetItemDescriptionsRouteHandler | |
CGetItemDescriptionWithFallbackRouteHandler | |
CGetItemLabelRouteHandler | |
CGetItemLabelsRouteHandler | |
CGetItemLabelWithFallbackRouteHandler | |
CGetItemRouteHandler | |
CGetItemStatementRouteHandler | |
CGetItemStatementsRouteHandler | |
CGetOpenApiDocRouteHandler | |
CGetPropertyAliasesInLanguageRouteHandler | |
CGetPropertyAliasesRouteHandler | |
CGetPropertyDataTypesHandler | |
CGetPropertyDescriptionRouteHandler | |
CGetPropertyDescriptionsRouteHandler | |
CGetPropertyDescriptionWithFallbackRouteHandler | |
CGetPropertyLabelRouteHandler | |
CGetPropertyLabelsRouteHandler | |
CGetPropertyLabelWithFallbackRouteHandler | |
CGetPropertyRouteHandler | |
CGetPropertyStatementRouteHandler | |
CGetPropertyStatementsRouteHandler | |
CGetSitelinkRouteHandler | |
CGetSitelinksRouteHandler | |
CGetStatementRouteHandler | |
CPatchItemAliasesRouteHandler | |
CPatchItemDescriptionsRouteHandler | |
CPatchItemLabelsRouteHandler | |
CPatchItemRouteHandler | |
CPatchItemStatementRouteHandler | |
CPatchPropertyAliasesRouteHandler | |
CPatchPropertyDescriptionsRouteHandler | |
CPatchPropertyLabelsRouteHandler | |
CPatchPropertyRouteHandler | |
CPatchPropertyStatementRouteHandler | |
CPatchSitelinksRouteHandler | |
CPatchStatementRouteHandler | |
CRemoveItemDescriptionRouteHandler | |
CRemoveItemLabelRouteHandler | |
CRemoveItemStatementRouteHandler | |
CRemovePropertyDescriptionRouteHandler | |
CRemovePropertyLabelRouteHandler | |
CRemovePropertyStatementRouteHandler | |
CRemoveSitelinkRouteHandler | |
CRemoveStatementRouteHandler | |
CReplaceItemStatementRouteHandler | |
CReplacePropertyStatementRouteHandler | |
CReplaceStatementRouteHandler | |
CResponseFactory | |
CSearchEntitiesRouteHandler | |
CSetItemDescriptionRouteHandler | |
CSetItemLabelRouteHandler | |
CSetPropertyDescriptionRouteHandler | |
CSetPropertyLabelRouteHandler | |
CSetSitelinkRouteHandler | |
CSuggestEntitiesRouteHandler | |
CV0RouteHandler | |
CWbRestApi | |
►NSearch | Entity search on a Repo |
►NFields | |
CFieldDefinitions | This is a collection of field definitions |
CFieldDefinitionsFactory | |
CNoFieldDefinitions | Class for empty field definitions |
CWikibaseIndexField | Each field is intended to be used by the search engine as an additional property of a page |
CWikibaseNumericField | Generic numeric field |
CExtendedResult | Marker interface signifying this is extended Wikibase result and Wikibase should not try to use hooks to display it |
►NSpecials | Repo integration with MediaWiki's Special pages |
►NHTMLForm | |
CHTMLAliasesField | Class representing generic alias field |
CHTMLContentLanguageField | Class representing generic content language selector field |
CHTMLItemReferenceField | Class representing generic form field referencing item by its ID |
CHTMLTrimmedTextField | A variant of an HTMLTextField that forcefully applies trimming |
CSpecialAvailableBadges | Page for listing all available badges |
CSpecialDispatchStats | |
CSpecialEntityData | Special page to act as a data endpoint for the linked data web |
CSpecialEntityPage | Special page for addressing entity data pages without knowing the namespace |
CSpecialGoToLinkedPage | Enables accessing a linked page on a site by providing the item id and site id |
CSpecialItemByTitle | Enables accessing items by providing the identifier of a site and the title of the corresponding page on that site |
CSpecialItemDisambiguation | Enables accessing items by providing the label of the item and the language of the label |
CSpecialItemsWithoutSitelinks | Special page for listing Items without sitelinks |
CSpecialListDatatypes | Page for listing available datatypes |
CSpecialListProperties | Special page to list properties by data type |
CSpecialListPropertiesDispatchingFactory | Factory to create Special:ListProperties based on whether federated properties setting is enabled ot not |
CSpecialMergeItems | Special page for merging one item to another |
CSpecialModifyEntity | Abstract special page for modifying Wikibase entity |
CSpecialModifyTerm | Abstract special page for setting a value of a Wikibase entity |
CSpecialMyLanguageFallbackChain | Page for displaying the current language fallback chain for debugging |
CSpecialNewEntity | Page for creating new Wikibase entities that contain a Fingerprint |
CSpecialNewItem | Page for creating new Wikibase items |
CSpecialNewProperty | Page for creating new Wikibase properties |
CSpecialPageCopyrightView | |
CSpecialRedirectEntity | Special page for creating redirects between entities |
CSpecialSetAliases | Special page for setting the aliases of a Wikibase entity |
CSpecialSetDescription | Special page for setting the description of a Wikibase entity |
CSpecialSetLabel | Special page for setting the label of a Wikibase entity |
CSpecialSetLabelDescriptionAliases | Special page for setting label, description and aliases of a Wikibase entity that features labels, descriptions and aliases |
CSpecialSetSiteLink | Special page for setting the sitepage of a Wikibase entity |
CSpecialWikibasePage | Base for special pages of the Wikibase extension, holding some scaffolding and preventing us from needing to deal with weird SpecialPage insanity (ie $this->mFile inclusion) in every base class |
CSpecialWikibaseQueryPage | Base for special pages that show the result of a Query |
CSpecialWikibaseRepoPage | Abstract base class for special pages of the WikibaseRepo extension |
►NStore | |
►NSql | |
►NTerms | |
CDatabaseTermsCollisionDetector | Queries db term store for collisions on terms |
CEntityTermsSelectQueryBuilder | |
CChangesSubscriptionTableBuilder | Implements initial population (priming) for the wb_changes_subscription table, based on the wb_items_per_site |
CDatabaseSchemaUpdater | |
CDispatchStats | Utility class for collecting dispatch statistics |
CItemsPerSiteBuilder | Utility class for rebuilding the wb_items_per_site table |
CPropertyInfoTableBuilder | Utility class for rebuilding the wb_property_info table |
CSqlEntityIdPager | SqlEntityIdPager is a cursor for iterating over the EntityIds stored in the current Wikibase installation |
CSqlEntityIdPagerFactory | Factory for SqlEntityIdPager objects |
CSqlIdGenerator | Unique Id generator implemented using an SQL table |
CSqlItemsWithoutSitelinksFinder | Service for getting Items without sitelinks |
CSqlSiteLinkConflictLookup | |
CSqlStore | Implementation of the store interface using an SQL backend via MediaWiki's storage abstraction layer |
CSqlSubscriptionLookup | Implementation of SubscriptionLookup based on a database table |
CUpsertSqlIdGenerator | Unique Id generator implemented using an SQL table and an UPSERT query |
CWikiPageEntityRedirectLookup | |
CWikiPageEntityStore | EntityStore implementation based on WikiPage |
CBagOStuffSiteLinkConflictLookup | Short-term sitelink conflict lookup using a BagOStuff (e.g |
CCompositeSiteLinkConflictLookup | A SiteLinkConflictLookup composing several others |
CDispatchingEntityStoreWatcher | EntityStoreWatcher that dispatches events to more EntityStoreWatchers |
CEntityPermissionChecker | Service interface for checking a user's permissions on a given entity |
CEntityTitleStoreLookup | Represents a mapping from entity IDs to wiki page titles, assuming that the resulting title represents a page that actually stores the entity contents |
CIdGenerator | Generates a new unique numeric id for the provided type |
CItemsWithoutSitelinksFinder | Interface for services for getting items without sitelinks |
CItemTermsRebuilder | |
CNullTermsCollisionDetector | TermsCollisionDetector implementation that does nothing (always returns no collision) |
CPropertyTermsRebuilder | |
CRateLimitingIdGenerator | |
CSiteLinkConflictLookup | Contains methods for looking up SiteLink conflicts |
CStore | Store interface |
CSubscriptionLookup | Interface for looking up which client is interested in changes to which entity |
CTermsCollisionDetector | Find collisions of term values with existing terms in store |
CTermsCollisionDetectorFactory | |
CTypeDispatchingEntityTitleStoreLookup | An EntityTitleStoreLookup that guarantees to return the titles of pages that actually store the entities, and does dispatching based on the entity type |
CWikiPageEntityStorePermissionChecker | Checks permissions to perform actions on the entity based on MediaWiki page permissions |
►NUpdateRepo | |
CUpdateRepoJob | Job template for updating the repo after a change in client |
CUpdateRepoOnDeleteJob | Job for updating the repo after a page on the client has been deleted |
CUpdateRepoOnMoveJob | Job for updating the repo after a page on the client has been moved |
►NValidators | |
CAlternativeValidator | An AlternativeValidator uses a list of sub-validators to validate the data |
CCommonsMediaExistsValidator | Validator for commons media values which checks whether the file in question exists |
CCompositeEntityValidator | Composite validator for applying multiple validators as one |
CCompositeValidator | A CompositeValidator uses a list of sub-validators to validate the data |
CDataFieldValidator | The DataFieldValidator class allows the validation of a single field of a complex DataValues object based on the DataValue's array representation |
CDataValueValidator | The DataValueValidator class allows the validation of the plain value of a simple DataValues object based on the DataValue's array representation |
CEntityConstraintProvider | Provides constraints for each entity type |
CEntityExistsValidator | EntityExistsValidator checks that a given entity exists |
CEntityUriValidator | |
CEntityValidator | Validator interface used for validating Entities in a global context |
CFingerprintUniquenessValidator | Validates the uniqueness of changing parts in a ChangeOpFingerprintResult across entities in store |
CInterWikiLinkExistsValidator | Validator for interwiki links |
CLabelDescriptionNotEqualValidator | |
CLabelUniquenessValidator | |
CMembershipValidator | MembershipValidator checks that a value is in a fixed set of allowed values |
CNotEntityIdValidator | Validator for checking that a given string is NOT an EntityId |
CNotEqualViolation | Represents a violation of a not equal constraint |
CNotMulValidator | Validator ensuring the "mul" language code is not being used for descriptions |
CNumberRangeValidator | NumberRangeValidator checks that a numerical value is in a given range |
CNumberValidator | |
CRegexValidator | RegexValidator checks a string against a regular expression |
CSiteLinkUniquenessValidator | Validator for checking that site links are unique across all Items |
CSnakValidator | |
CStringLengthValidator | StringLengthValidator checks a string's length |
CTermValidatorFactory | Provides validators for terms (like the maximum length of labels, etc) |
CTimestampPrecisionValidator | Validate a date value, making sure that the day component is not 00 for day-precision values, and that the month component is not 00 for values with precision day or month |
CTypeValidator | TypeValidator checks a value's data type |
CUniquenessViolation | Represents a violation of a uniqueness constraint |
CUrlSchemeValidators | UrlSchemeValidators is a collection of validators for some commonly used URL schemes |
CUrlValidator | UrlValidator checks URLs based on sub-validators for each scheme |
CValidatorErrorLocalizer | |
►NView | |
CRepoSpecialPageLinker | A SpecialPageLinker implementation linking to special pages of the local MediaWiki installation |
CWikibaseHtmlSnakFormatterFactory | An HtmlSnakFormatterFactory implementation using an OutputFormatSnakFormatterFactory |
CAddPageInfo | |
CAnonymousEditWarningBuilder | |
CArrayValueCollector | |
CBabelUserLanguageLookup | Service for looking up the languages understood by a user |
CBuilderBasedDataTypeValidatorFactory | A factory providing ValueValidators based on factory callbacks |
CCachingCommonsMediaFileNameLookup | Caching service that looks up normalized file names from Wikimedia Commons |
CClaimSummaryBuilder | EditSummary-Builder for claim operations |
CCopyrightMessageBuilder | |
CDataTypeSelector | Data provider for the property type (a.k.a |
CDataTypeValidatorFactory | A factory providing ValueValidators based on DataType id |
CDispatchingEntityTypeStatementGrouper | |
CEntityIdHtmlLinkFormatterFactory | A factory for generating EntityIdFormatter returning HTML |
CEntityIdLabelFormatterFactory | A factory for generating EntityIdHtmlLinkFormatters |
CEntityTypesConfigFeddyPropsAugmenter | Service that modifies entity type definitions for federated properties |
CFingerprintSearchTextGenerator | |
CGenericEventDispatcher | Dispatches a notification to a set of watchers |
CItemDisambiguation | Class representing the disambiguation of a list of WikibaseItems |
CItemDisambiguationFactory | Factory service to create ItemDisambiguation instances for a particular language |
CItemSearchTextGenerator | |
CLocalizedTextProviderFactory | |
CMediaWikiLanguageDirectionalityLookup | Service for looking up language directionalities based on MediaWiki's Language class |
CMediaWikiLocalizedTextProvider | A LocalizedTextProvider wrapping MediaWiki's message system |
COutputPageJsConfigBuilder | Handles adding user-specific or other js config to OutputPage |
CPropertyDataTypeChanger | Class for changing a property's data type |
CPropertyInfoBuilder | Class to build the information about a property |
CPropertyServices | |
CPurgeEntityDataJob | Job to purge Special:EntityData URLs from the HTTP cache after a page was deleted |
CRangeTraversable | Lazy and potentially infinite version of PHPs native range() function (without $step support) |
CRepoHooks | File defining the hook handlers for the Wikibase extension |
CSiteLinkGlobalIdentifiersProvider | |
CSiteLinkPageNormalizer | |
CSiteLinkTargetProvider | |
CSnakFactory | Factory for creating new snaks |
CStatementGrouperBuilder | Factory for a StatementGrouper |
CStatementRankSerializer | Serializer and Deserializer for Statement Ranks |
CSummaryFormatter | Formatter for Summary objects |
CTempUserStatus | A Status that may have resulted in a temporary user being created |
CValidatorBuilders | Defines validators for the basic well known data types supported by Wikibase |
CValueParserFactory | Builds ValueParser objects |
CWikibasePingback | Send information about this Wikibase instance to TODO |
CWikibaseRepo | Top level factory for the WikibaseRepo extension |
►NView | Root namespace for View extension code |
►NModule | |
CTemplateModule | Injects templates into JavaScript |
►NTemplate | |
CTemplate | Allows storing and accessing of templates (e.g |
CTemplateFactory | |
CTemplateRegistry | Allows storing and accessing of templates (e.g |
►NTermbox | Root namespace for View component Termbox |
►NRenderer | |
CTermboxNoRemoteRendererException | |
CTermboxRemoteRenderer | |
CTermboxRenderer | |
CTermboxRenderingException | |
CTermboxModule | |
CCacheableEntityTermsView | Describes an EntityTermsView providing cacheable HTML, and placeholders for parts that aren't cacheable |
CDefaultMetaTagsCreator | Default Class for creating meta tags |
CDummyLocalizedTextProvider | A LocalizedTextProvider implementation that returns a string containing the given key and params |
CEditSectionGenerator | Generates HTML for a section edit link |
CEntityDocumentView | Interface for creating views for all different kinds of Wikibase\DataModel\Entity\EntityDocument |
CEntityIdFormatterFactory | A factory interface for generating EntityIdFormatters |
CEntityMetaTagsCreator | Interface for creating meta tags (e.g |
CEntityTermsView | Generates HTML to display the terms of an entity |
CEntityView | Base class for creating views for all different kinds of Wikibase\DataModel\Entity\EntityDocument |
CFallbackChainModuleMethods | |
CFingerprintableEntityMetaTagsCreator | Class for creating meta tags (i.e |
CHtmlSnakFormatterFactory | A factory constructing SnakFormatters that output HTML |
CHtmlTermRenderer | |
CItemView | Class for creating views for Item instances |
CLanguageDirectionalityLookup | Returns the directionality of a language |
CLocalizedTextProvider | A service providing localized texts for keys |
CPropertyView | Class for creating views for Property instances |
CRawMessageParameter | Value object to be used with { |
CSimpleEntityTermsView | Generates HTML to display the terms of an entity |
CSiteLinksView | Creates views for lists of site links |
CSnakHtmlGenerator | Base class for generating Snak html |
CSpecialPageLinker | A service returning a URL for a specific special page with optional parameters |
CStatementGroupListView | Generates HTML to display statements |
CStatementHtmlGenerator | Backend renderer that generates the HTML representation of a statement for use in an entity view |
CStatementSectionsView | |
CTermsListView | Generates HTML to display terms of an entity in a list |
CToolbarEditSectionGenerator | Generates HTML for a section edit link |
CViewContent | A view containing rendered HTML that may still contain placeholders to be replaced before the HTML can be presented to the end-user |
CViewFactory | This is a basic factory to create views for DataModel objects |
CViewHooks | File defining the hook handlers for the WikibaseView extension |
CViewPlaceHolderEmitter | Describes objects emitting view placeholders for parts of the markup that aren't cacheable, e.g |
CPopulateEntityUsage | Maintenance script for populating wbc_entity_usage based on the page_props table |
CUpdateSubscriptions | Maintenance script for inserting subscriptions into wb_changes_subscription based on the wbc_entity_usage table |